Vietnam South China Sea claims

Vietnam Spratly Island Construction Continuing at Rapid Pace, Report Says
By Sebastian Strangio
According to a U.S. think tank, the country is building runways and other “potential military structures” in the South China Sea.

Vietnam on Record Pace for Spratly Island Construction in 2024, Report Says
By Sebastian Strangio
Over the past six months, the country has reclaimed almost as much new land as it did in the previous two years combined, closing the gap with China's "island fortresses."

Vietnam’s Paradox: Commemorating the Battle of the Paracels
By Christelle Nguyen
The clash is a milestone for Hanoi’s South China Sea claims – but marking its 50th anniversary requires discussing the government of South Vietnam.

Vietnam Nixes ‘Barbie’ Release Over South China Sea Map
By Sebastian Strangio
The upcoming film is the latest to fall afoul of the country's censors for depicting a map containing China's "nine-dash line" maritime claim.

Vietnamese, Chinese Vessels in Close South China Sea Encounter
By Sebastian Strangio
According to navigation data, a Vietnamese Fisheries Surveillance vessel and Chinese Coast Guard ship came within 10 meters of each other.

To Guarantee Its Survival, Vietnam Needs to Look West
By Khang Vu
The South China Sea matters to Vietnam’s economic development, but its land borders are the key to its long-term security.

Vietnam Needs to Bolster Its ‘Soft Balancing’ Against China
By Pham Ngoc Minh Trang
Vietnam’s statements on the South China Sea at international forums reveal a subtle, defensive strategy – one that hasn’t been enough thus far.

China’s Pressure Costs Vietnam $1 Billion in the South China Sea
By Bill Hayton
Vietnam is compensating international oil companies after cancelling their contracts in the dispute region over pressure from China.

Vietnam Needs to ‘Struggle’ More in the South China Sea
By Derek Grossman
Assessing Hanoi’s strategy after the Vanguard Bank standoff with China.

The South China Sea Island China Gave Away
By Zhen-Gang Ji
Bach Long Vi Island and its secret transfer from China to Vietnam.

US Senator: US Navy Should Help Vietnam in South China Sea
By Franz-Stefan Gady
Senator John McCain is pushing for more cooperation on maritime security issues between the United States and Vietnam.

The Japan-Vietnam Maritime Security Relationship
By Koh Swee Lean Collin
Can growing ties help Vietnam deal with its South China Sea disputes?
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