Indonesia Talks Defense With China
Jakarta’s proposed defense ties with Beijing risk upsetting ASEAN’s fragile balance.

High Stakes in the South China Sea
Resources, nationalism, and domestic audiences are pushing Vietnam and the Philippines towards confrontation with China.

China’s Not-So-Hard Power Strategy
Questions remain over how the Scarborough Shoal standoff will finally be resolved. But recent events should have reassured China’s leaders that hard power isn’t always necessary.

The South China Sea Oil Card
New Chinese oil block announcements for the South China Sea are set to ruffle feathers.

Vietnam’s Blogger Revolution?
Vietnamese bloggers are increasingly driving the news agenda in the country. More robust reporting will be good for Vietnam’s development.

Easy Part Over for Vietnam
The optimism during Vietnam’s pre-2008 economic boom is over. The Communist Party knows it must take action. But it doesn’t seem to know what.

Is China Trying to Split ASEAN?
China doesn’t want a military conflict over the Scarborough Shoal. A clash now would only unite ASEAN.

The Folly of UNCLOS
The U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea is as much as anything else about fundamental disagreements between the U.S. and China. The U.S. shouldn’t sign up.

Vietnamese Back Philippines
A number of prominent Vietnamese break new ground in backing the Philippines in the Scarborough Shoal row.

China’s Small Stick Diplomacy
China’s combination of fishing boats, unarmed law-enforcement ships, and military power allows Beijing to act as a provocateur – and to use small stick diplomacy.

Is the Philippines an Orphan?
The ongoing standoff between the Philippines and China raises troubling questions about the response to Chinese territorial assertiveness in the South China Sea.

Taiwan’s Pointless Toe Treading?
The Republic of China maintains sweeping claims to the South China Sea. But is it needlessly alienating much-needed potential friends?