War in Afghanistan

Trump’s Disastrous Plan to Increase Contracting in Afghanistan
By Noah Coburn
Such a move would be militarily unsound, financially unproven, and disastrous for human rights.

Another Eid, Another Ceasefire Attempt in Afghanistan
By Sahar Khan
The latest attempt at a ceasefire is a positive development for Afghanistan.

Taliban Talks in Uzbekistan, Violence Continues in Afghanistan
By Catherine Putz
With talks up north and violence in the southeast, the war in Afghanistan lurches toward its 17th year.

Afghanistan’s Success Story? Its Young Leaders
By Maiwand Rahyab
Afghanistan’s young leaders are uniquely prepared to move Afghanistan toward a better future.

Can Uzbekistan Help Mediate the Afghan Conflict?
By Samuel Ramani
Mirziyoyev has worked hard to position Uzbekistan as an effective mediator in the Afghanistan conflict.

Suicide Bomber Attacks Gathering of Afghan Clerics Which Had Just Denounced Suicide Bombings
By Catherine Putz
The gathering of about 2,000 Muslim scholars and clerics had endorsed a fatwa against the war, calling suicide bombings a sin.

How Economic Growth Can Help Defeat Terrorism in Afghanistan
By M. Ashraf Haidari
The campaign for Afghanistan's economy must stand on equal footing with the counterterrorism campaign.

To Win the Peace, Afghans Must Be in the Driver’s Seat
By M. Ashraf Haidari
The U.S. is right to refuse to talk directly with a divided Taliban, as an Afghan-led peace process is necessary.

Squeezing Pakistan For Results in Afghanistan
By Umair Jamal
Washington needs to give the dialogue process a chance in Afghanistan.

A Way Forward for Afghanistan After the 2nd Kabul Process Conference
By Samim Arif
Ashraf Ghani's offer to the Taliban has been repudiated. The problem remains across the border, in Pakistan.

Afghan Civilian Casualties, the Elephant in the Room
By Said Sabir Ibrahimi
Civilian deaths in Afghanistan shouldn’t be treated as simple statistics that no one wants to talk about.

TAPI Moves Into Afghanistan, Taliban Promise to Protect the Project
By Catherine Putz
Yet another ceremony to mark progress on the TAPI pipeline.