

Afghanistan’s Newest Attack Helicopter a ‘Total Mess’?

Afghanistan’s Newest Attack Helicopter a ‘Total Mess’?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Afghanistan’s most decorated pilot is critical of U.S. efforts to help build the Afghan Air Force.
Afghan Air Force to Receive 5 More Attack Helicopters

Afghan Air Force to Receive 5 More Attack Helicopters

By Franz-Stefan Gady
However, they will not be used during this year's fighting season.

US Public Opinion on China: A New Low?

US Public Opinion on China: A New Low?

By Euhwa Tran
Are increased tensions between the two countries the 'new normal'?

Does the US Need to Play Hardball with China's Communists?

Does the US Need to Play Hardball with China's Communists?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Perhaps, according to a new report. However, the authors fails to offer new insights on the Sino-US strategic rivalry.

AIIB: China's 'Phase Zero Operation'?

AIIB: China's 'Phase Zero Operation'?

By William Yale
Can Beijing's claim that it wants to provide 'global public goods' via the AIIB be taken at face value?
Can George Kennan Guide 21st Century US National Security Strategy?

Can George Kennan Guide 21st Century US National Security Strategy?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
A new report by a Washington-based think tank argues that the US should heed the advice of the father of containment.

When Will the Afghan Air Force Be Ready to Fight the Taliban?

When Will the Afghan Air Force Be Ready to Fight the Taliban?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
It will take another year for Afghan ground forces to be able to call in indigenous close air support on a grand scale.
What Can the Middle Ages Teach Us About US Naval Strategy?

What Can the Middle Ages Teach Us About US Naval Strategy?

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The history of European chivalry offers valuable insights for analyzing the Sino-US naval competition.

Defending the World's Largest Defense Budget

Defending the World's Largest Defense Budget

By Franz-Stefan Gady
Defense Secretary Ashton Carter defends the Pentagon's budget request in front of the Senate Armed Services Committee

Punching Holes in the Iran Plot

Punching Holes in the Iran Plot

The idea that the alleged Iranian plot to assassinate the Saudi ambassador went to the very top is fanciful, says Robert Dreyfuss. Still, it has almost certainly scuppered the prospects for talks.

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