Wen Jiabao

China Set for Goldilocks Landing?
China will likely manage a soft landing in 2012. But economic imbalances in the Year of the Dragon will challenge the Chinese Communist Party.

Canada Plays its China Card
Resource-rich Canada and resource-hungry China seem in some ways like natural partners. After a slow start, they just might be.

China's Real Estate Misstep
China may be loosening government restrictions on the property market too quickly. Structural issues remain.

Hu Jintao’s Legacy
Hu Jintao warned that China was in a cultural war with the West. But the real problems are at home.

Hu Jintao’s Legacy
Hu Jintao warned that China was in a cultural war with the West. But the real problems are at home.

China’s Unstoppable Billion
The most important global trend is the emergence of a great people from millennia of despotic rule, says Gordon Chang. The Chinese people, in short, are the world’s unstoppable force.

China's 99 Percent?
The protest in Wukan reflects a general frustration among Chinese with their leaders. But will officials listen?

Tweaking China's Soft Power
China’s soft power is widely talked about. But the country’s leaders will need to show flexibility to make it work.
The Case for Li Yuanchao
Li Yuanchao has many of the right qualities to succeed Wen Jiabao. It’s a shame he probably won’t.

China and Popularity Contests
The response to Obama’s latest Asia trip has been mixed. Some Chinese commentators are missing the point.

Swimming Naked in China
With the Chinese government tightening credit, the massive leakage from the formal banking sector into the ‘shadow system’ ultimately risks sinking the country’s financial system.

Decoding 'Social Management'
China’s government has coined a new piece of political jargon: social management. But what does it mean?