
Wen Jiabao

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China's Challenges: Political Reform

China's Challenges: Political Reform

By Suisheng Zhao
China’s leadership sends contradictory signals about the prospects for political reform.

Grimm Foreign Policy?

China’s assertiveness has alarmed many of its neighbours. Does a foot stamping foreign policy risk creating a counter-coalition?

China's 19th Century Agenda

China's 19th Century Agenda

China’s leadership seems divided, United States Institute of Peace President Richard Solomon tells The Diplomat. If it’s to rise peacefully it will have to rethink its recent assertiveness.

China’s Money Diplomacy Hits Limit

China’s Money Diplomacy Hits Limit

China has so far relied on appeals to economic interests in its dealings with other countries. It’s time for some more rounded diplomacy.

Chinese Pipe Dreams

Chinese Pipe Dreams

The Russia-China oil pipeline has been headline news. But is the match of biggest oil producer and largest energy consumer one made in heaven?

What Happened to Bhai-Bhai?

Indian officials have been reluctant to answer some of the hard questions over tense relations with China.

Wen’s Stabilizing India Trip

Wen’s Stabilizing India Trip

With strategic tensions between China and India still high, it’s not surprising Wen Jiabao chose to focus on trade issues instead.

China's Welcome Backtracking?

After a year of tension with its neighbours, is China starting to soften its foreign policy and military tone?

India’s Foreign Policy Tightrope

India’s Foreign Policy Tightrope

Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao is in India for a high-profile visit. But the real clues to regional relations came last month.

China Foreign Policy Shift?

China Foreign Policy Shift?

Will China tone down its more assertive foreign policy? Straws in the wind suggest that it might.

Sarkozy’s India Visit

Sarkozy’s India Visit

Nicolas Sarkozy’s India visit struck all the right notes as he backed it for permanent UNSC membership.

China: Please Study Abroad

China: Please Study Abroad

Why the Chinese government wants more of its students to study at universities overseas.

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