women in Afghanistan

Security Through Human Rights – For Afghanistan, It’s Not ‘Either/Or’
By Annie Pforzheimer and Asila Wardak
Civil rights and the personal safety of all citizens are mainstream security conversations, not “nice to have” goals or “Western” inventions.

Afghanistan Under the Taliban: No Country for Women
By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
Afghan women are tremendously resilient. But resilience can’t last forever on its own; it needs to be supported and nurtured.

Alarm Over Hijab Enforcement Exposes Afghanistan’s Dire Need for Direct Engagement
By Freshta Jalalzai
Resolving the complex issues that Afghans face demands more than just external envoy efforts. It necessitates direct engagement with the people of Afghanistan.

Jihadi Seminaries Under the Taliban: A Looming Threat
By Gul Hassan Mohammadi
The Taliban’s jihadi seminaries not only function as recruitment bases, but as centers of extremist indoctrination they pose a significant threat to the entire world.

Amina Zurmati and Qudratullah Zurmati on Life for Afghanistan’s Women
By Catherine Putz
Two years into Taliban rule in Afghanistan, the country’s women are not passive victims. They have limited means, but their voices are strong.

With Ban on Beauty Salons, Taliban Continue to Shrink Women’s Rights in Afghanistan
By Amina Zurmati and Qudratullah Zurmati
"I am the only supporter of my three daughters and a jobless husband and this beauty salon is the only source of income for my family," one salon owner said, highlighting the impact of the new decree.

Reluctant Critic China Urges Afghan Taliban to Change Stance on Women’s Roles
By Associated Press
Wang said China hopes the Taliban-appointed Afghan interim government will "take solid steps in the right direction.”

Understanding the Taliban’s War on Women
By Ezzatullah Mehrdad
The Taliban’s regressive ideology lies at the heart of its political program. It was naive to believe the group would ever give it up.

Taliban Reopen Universities for Afghan Women in 6 Provinces
By Tameem Akhgar
This is a step in the right direction and appears to have come under pressure from the international community.

Taliban Storm Kabul Apartment, Arrest Activist and Her Sisters
By Kathy Gannon
The activist, Tamana Zaryabi Paryani, was among about 25 women who took part in an anti-Taliban protest on Sunday against the compulsory Islamic headscarf, or hijab, for women.

How the World Failed Afghan Women
By Philip Smucker
Why millions of dollars in international aid – much of it from the U.S. – failed to achieve lasting change for Afghanistan’s women.

Is This Taliban Deja Vu?
By Catherine Putz
Expecting moderation from the Taliban and jumping on any signs of change: We’ve been here before.
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