Women in India

Gender Responsive Budgeting Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic in India
By Akanksha Khullar
The pandemic exacerbated pre-existing economic inequalities within India’s patriarchal society.

India’s Women Bear the Burden of Unpaid Work – With Costs to Themselves and the Economy
By Bansari Kamdar
The country’s first time use survey reveal disturbing patterns when it comes to women and daily paid work.

Hundreds in India Protest Government Handling of Fatal Rape Case
By Associated Press
The demonstrators shouted "Hang the rapists" and "First raped by devils, then by the system.”

In India, a Man Can Still Legally Rape His Wife
By Bansari Kamdar
Marital rape, colonial hangover, and patriarchal impunity 73 years later.

Women Left Behind: India’s Falling Female Labor Participation
By Bansari Kamdar
India’s female labor force participation is the lowest in South Asia.

India’s COVID–19 Gender Blind Spot
By Bansari Kamdar
India’s women stand to lose from the country‘s COVID–19 policies in many ways.

Indian Army to Recruit Women as Military Police: A Cause for Celebration?
By Akanksha Khullar
The small step forward highlights just how far women have to go to achieve gender parity in the Indian armed forces.

Female Delivery Drivers Breaking Patriarchal Barriers in India
By Adnan Bhat
Breaking down one more barrier to women's employment in India.

Me and #MeToo: A Story From New Delhi's Jawaharlal University in the Early 2000s
By Parul Abrol
Until #MeToo, few women in India had spoken out about harassment. I did and here's my story.

India's #MeToo Movement Underlines Why Survivors Must Be Believed
By Vida Zonunmawii
There are more reasons to believe survivors than there are to dismiss claims of sexual harassment and assaults

Where Are India's Women Politicians?
By Bansari Kamdar
22 years since the initial proposal, the Women’s Reservation Bill remains out of reach.

Menstruating Without Pads in India
By Arpita Singh and Ahmad Belal
Thanks to stigma and misinformation, many Indian women continue to use cloth during their periods.
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