women's issues

Women in Combat: Both Spoilers and Enablers of Peace
By Rosalie Arcala Hall and Julian Smith
Popular distortions often applied to women’s functions in war can obstruct the peace process.

Fighting Menstruation Stigma in Myanmar
By Poppy McPherson
In Yangon, artist Ma Ei has turned her period into a 3-day piece of performance art.

Addressing Nepal’s Water Crisis
By Juliette Rousselot, Photos by Omar Havana
Although many communities still struggle, Nepal is making real progress on providing access to water.

Saving Grameen Bank, Sustaining the Bangladesh Paradox
By Niaz Asadullah and Zaki Wahhaj
Increasing state control over Grameen Bank will hardly serve the interests of Bangladesh.

Asia’s ‘Shocking’ Gender Gap
By Anthony Fensom
There’s been talk in Asia of reforms on women’s rights, but progress has been slow.

Understanding India’s War on Women
By Ram Mashru
Effective policy means reforming attitudes and addressing the demographic, economic and geographic factors.

Women in International Politics: An Essential Element
A wave of democratization is sweeping the globe – but women are being left out at precisely the moment when their voices are needed most.

Staying in the Ring
Afghanistan’s brave female candidates stay in the running despite serious dangers.

Her Baseball and Politics
Two Japanese women are attracting big interest. Hopefully it will inspire.

Women For Wine
Women are right in the midst of the exploding Chinese wine market.
Final Note on Travel Ethics: A Nepal Example
Close to one million Indian women of low socioeconomic status are said ready to boycott the upcoming Oct.13 assembly elections in the Maharashtra state. *Note the Maharashtra region is, according to recent GDP stats, the richest in India. Many of the
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