World War I

Democratic Ideas and Reality at 100: The Heartland of Asia
By Francis P. Sempa
As the 100th anniversary of Sir Halford Mackinder’s pivotal work approaches, a look at how it remains as prescient as ever.

Why Didn’t China Honor Its World War I Dead?
By Bonnie Girard
Skipping the Armistice Day ceremonies in Paris was a missed opportunity for Xi Jinping.

100 Years on From World War I: Lessons on Great Power Competition in East Asia
By Robert Farley
It's best to avoid repeating the mistakes made in the past.

Imperial Japan's Naval Contributions to the First World War
By Robert Farley
What drove the Imperial Japanese Navy during World War I?

‘The Nonsense of Witnessing Such Beauty’: Malinowski’s Tryst with Sri Lanka
By Krzysztof Iwanek
The great ethnographer’s little-known adventures on the way to the Pacific.

The Indian Cavalry’s Charge on an Israeli City And Its Usefulness Now
By Krzysztof Iwanek
The politics of history can be useful for diplomacy but dangerous for grammar.

Siege of Port Arthur: Verdun in Manchuria
By Joseph Hammond
A crucial battle in the Russo-Japanese War anticipated many technological and social changes we now associate with WWI.

How Imperial Germany Lost Asia
By Robert Farley
A hundred years ago, the German empire slowly shed its Asian possessions.

WWI Analogies: Missing the Role of Culture
By Kadira Pethiyagoda
Culture is having a greater impact on international affairs than ever before.

South Asia: Echoes From Across a Century
By Ali Ahmed
India’s own “two front” doctrine could prove just as dangerous as Germany’s in WWI.

East Asia’s Lessons from World War I
By Brian C. Chao
China may unwittingly find itself facing a similar string of events to those that confronted Germany in 1914.

History Lessons for China and Japan
By Paula Harrell
Both countries have shown the ability to accommodate and cooperate in the past. Can they do so again?
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