World War II

Shinzo Abe’s Nationalist Strategy
By Kosuke Takahashi

Asia Plays the Nazi Blame Game
By Zachary Keck

The Yasukuni Shrine and the Confederate Flag
By Shannon Tiezzi

Why Are Japan’s Apologies Forgotten?
Japan has in fact apologized repeatedly for its wartime past. So why haven’t they resonated?

Japan’s History Problem
Fairly or unfairly, Japan will always be compared with Germany when it comes to its recognition of mid-20th century history.

Explosive Remnants of War in the Pacific
World War II left the Pacific with a dangerous legacy, which continues to trouble island nations seven decades later.

Shinzo Abe: Friend or Foe of the United States?
The Japanese prime minister espouses a view of history that seems to repudiate much that Americans hold dear.

World War II: Not Over For Japan and Russia
Abe and Putin meet in Moscow. Both want better relations. Will old challenges get in the way?

George Orwell: Strategic Genius?
Clausewitz, Sun Tzu and…George Orwell? The Naval Diplomat explains.

The End of an Era: The Battleship Yamato
“Temeraire, Titanic, Yamato—history suggests the last word on naval technology hasn’t been uttered yet.”

History Lesson: The Battle of Java Sea
On the heels of Pearl Harbor, Allied forces were handed a crushing defeat by the Japanese. The battle has lessons for today’s military planners.

Adapting to Change
Massive shocks that shatter outdated ways of transacting business are few and far between.