
Xayaburi Dam

Sanakham Dam Sparks Fear and Anguish Along the Thai-Lao Border 

Sanakham Dam Sparks Fear and Anguish Along the Thai-Lao Border 

By Tom Fawthrop
A long-dreaded dam project on Laos’ side of the border is moving forward, despite opposition from locals.

Mekong Dams Are Undermining the Region’s Climate, Economic Health

Mekong Dams Are Undermining the Region’s Climate, Economic Health

By Pianporn Deetes and Tanya Lee Roberts-Davis
Five years after the Xayaburi dam in northern Laos began operations, the cost of Mekong hydropower is becoming ever more clear.
Who Will Save Luang Prabang?

Who Will Save Luang Prabang?

By Tom Fawthrop
The World Heritage site in Laos is endangered by mega-projects and Mekong dams.

People’s Power: Anti-Dam Movements in Southeast Asia

People’s Power: Anti-Dam Movements in Southeast Asia

By Wora Suk
Communities in Thailand and beyond are learning to organize to demand that dam construction consider their rights.

Laos’ Dam Disaster May Not Be Its Last

Laos’ Dam Disaster May Not Be Its Last

By Tom Fawthrop
The cost-cutting and lack of oversight that led to the dam's collapse plague other hydropower projects across the country.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
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What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Laos: New Hydropower Dams, Old Mekong Worries

Laos: New Hydropower Dams, Old Mekong Worries

By Tae-jun Kang
As Laos continues its hydropower ambitions, concerns around the future of the Mekong River are only growing.

Killing the Mekong, Dam by Dam

Killing the Mekong, Dam by Dam

By Tom Fawthrop
Regional governments have been underestimating the environmental and economic costs of Mekong dams.
Trouble on the Mekong

Trouble on the Mekong

By Tom Fawthrop
Europe’s Pöyry Energy and its controversial role as Xayaburi dam consultant have been challenged under new OECD CSR rules.

Xayaburi Dam Threatens Mekong River’s Giant Catfish

Xayaburi Dam Threatens Mekong River’s Giant Catfish

The Xayaburi Dam poses a problem for the Mekong River’s fish and the people living beside it.

Laos Approved for U.S. $5 Billion Loan for Rail Project

Laos Approved for U.S. $5 Billion Loan for Rail Project

Laos has just gone deeper into debt with a U.S. $5 billion loan to build a Thailand-Vietnam rail link.

Laos Proceeds With Dam Despite ASEM Summit

Laos Proceeds With Dam Despite ASEM Summit

Laos’ biggest diplomatic achievement in decades may be overshadowed by dam construction.

Battle for the Mekong Heats Up

Battle for the Mekong Heats Up

By Tom Fawthrop
Laos’s Xayaburi dam project faces opposition throughout the region over its ecological impact.

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