
Misguided Virus Fears Hitting Asian American Businesses
By Associated Press
Xenophobic panic about the coronavirus is hurting Asian American businesses.

Racism and Apartment Hunting in East Asia
By Xiaochen Su
Xenophobia makes even mundane tasks difficult for foreigners in countries like Japan and Singapore.

Steve Bannon on Trump's NSC Should Concern US Allies and Partners in Asia
By Ankit Panda
Elevating Steve Bannon to the National Security Council suggests "America First" is here to stay.

The Other Lesson Singapore Can Learn From Brexit
By Pravin Prakash and Norman Vasu
The rhetoric of Britain’s Leave campaign offers a cautionary tale.

Japan's Xenophobia Problem
By Mina Pollmann
Despite recent efforts, hate speech and racial discrimination continues to plague Japan.

Nature or Nurture: What Makes A Person 'Korean'?
By Steven Denney
In South Korea, there is a lot of talk about embracing multiculturalism, but few indications of actually doing so.
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