Xi Zhongxun

Looking Back on Deng Xiaoping’s Landmark Visit to Singapore
By Edmund Lim
The trip, when Deng met Lee Kuan Yew for the first time, offers a reminder of the importance of competent leadership to nations' development.

What Xi Jinping Learned—And Didn’t Learn—From His Father About Xinjiang
By Joseph Torigian
Xi Zhongxun’s “soft touch” approach to the region contrasts dramatically with his son’s crackdown.

The Long Reach of Hu Yaobang
By Bonnie Girard
China's famous political reformer ironically helped pave the way for Xi's current crackdown on dissent.

What Every Chinese Soldier Knows (Part 3): Mao’s Generals
By Ben Lowsen
The hallowed halls of the Helmsman’s hardies.

How the Cultural Revolution Haunts China's Leaders
By Kerry Brown
Growing up during the Cultural Revolution had a lasting impact on Xi Jinping and his generation of elites.
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