
Yellow Shirts

Thailand’s Politics Heat Up Ahead of Elusive Election

Thailand’s Politics Heat Up Ahead of Elusive Election

By Luke Hunt
With the new round of hype over potential polls in Thailand has come a focus on parties, players, and who the future prime minister could be.  

Prayuth Installed as Thai Prime Minister

Prayuth Installed as Thai Prime Minister

By Clint Richards
The junta appears intent on forestalling the Thaksins’ return to political power.
Thailand’s Crisis and the 1932 Revolution

Thailand’s Crisis and the 1932 Revolution

By James Buchanan
The country will not be able to move forward until it has properly dealt with its past.

Tense Times in Thailand

Tense Times in Thailand

By Mark Fenn
Hoping to destroy the pro-Thaksin forces once and for all, the military is taking a much tougher line this time around.

Understanding Thailand's Coup

Understanding Thailand's Coup

By Shannon Tiezzi
The Diplomat speaks with Dr. Vikram Nehru about the root causes of political tensions, the regional implications, and the fate of Thailand's democracy.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

In Thailand, Mass Protests Against Democracy

In Thailand, Mass Protests Against Democracy

By Zachary Keck
Mass demonstrations for democracy are quite common. Rarely have we seen people take to the streets to oppose democracy.

Indonesian Men Freed after Allegedly Killing, Eating Orangutan

Indonesian Men Freed after Allegedly Killing, Eating Orangutan

By J.T. Quigley
Also: Thai protestors trade banners for brooms, nearly 20k evacuated in Malaysian floods.
Thailand’s Provocative Protesters

Thailand’s Provocative Protesters

By Mong Palatino
Past demonstrations may give insight into the current Yellow Shirt/Red Shirt clashes.

Thai Tensions Escalate as Protests Gain Momentum

Thai Tensions Escalate as Protests Gain Momentum

Yellow Shirts lash out against Yingluck, Thaksin, and one unfortunate journalist.

Thailand: Protestors Whistling Their Way to Democracy

Thailand: Protestors Whistling Their Way to Democracy

Thailand’s politics, yet again, takes an extra-parliamentary turn.

Thailand's Human Rights Crisis

Thailand's Human Rights Crisis

The exploitation of lèse-majesté laws for political gain are undermining human rights in Thailand. Violence is looming.

Waiting for Thaksin

Waiting for Thaksin

Former Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra seems bound to return to Thailand. If he does, will it spark unrest?

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