Yoshihiko Noda

Interview With Japan’s Opposition Leader Noda Yoshihiko
By Kenji Yoshida and Jason Morgan
"Moving forward, the ruling and opposition parties must work together to reform and rebuild public trust, aiming for unity."

‘Realism’ Looms Large Over the CDP Leadership Race
By Jio Kamata
Japan’s main opposition party is holding a leadership election. Is it ready to shake off the stigma of the previous DPJ government?

The Great East Japan Earthquake and Japan-Taiwan Relations
By Shin Kawashima
Seven years after the disaster and relations are strong, with one exception.

The Enigma of Japanese Politics
By Shin Kawashima
With PM Abe under fire, why are leaders of the main opposition party stepping down?

Gauging Japan’s ‘Proactive Contributions to Peace’
By Jeffrey W. Hornung
The rhetoric has been strong, but has it been matched by action.

Abe’s Next Tax Hike Conundrum
By Clint Richards
The government remains confident, but another sharp drop in growth could derail the best laid plans.

“281_Antinuke” Risks Death Threats and Arrest in His Fight Against TEPCO, Japanese Government
By J.T. Quigley
Described by many as the “Japanese Banksy,” 281 spreads his political messages through graffiti.

Can “Abenomics” Save Japan’s Economy?
On Sunday Japanese voters gave Shinzo Abe and the LDP a landslide win. Can he revive Japan’s growth prospects?

A Referendum for Japan
Does any party have the ideas and vision needed to help Tokyo overcome its myriad challenges?

Japan's Woes Drag On
Tokyo is expected to enter into its third recession since 2008 at the same time voters go to the polls next month.

Playing Politics in Japan
Despite an impending economic crisis, Japan’s politicians seem more worried about their own careers.

Noda’s Bold Tax Plan Play
Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda has succeeded in passing a tax and social security plan in the lower house. He now needs to think about the future of his party.
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