
Aidan Craney: Youth in Fiji and Solomon Islands
By Catherine Putz
The Pacific’s youth will shape the future of their Great Ocean States, understanding them is critical.

Southeast Asia’s Leaders Are the Right Age
By David Hutt
The region's recent history furnishes little evidence of a correlation between a leader's youthfulness and their political worldview.

In Central Asia, Politics By Way of Social Media
By Colleen Wood
New research on youth in Central Asia attempts to untangle young people’s political attitudes and preferences on their own terms.

The Sorrows of Kazakhstan's Generation Z
By Paolo Sorbello
The young generation most comfortable with technology is faced with a mix of old and new problems in Kazakhstan.

Afghanistan’s Future is Brighter Than You Think
Most believe Afghanistan is doomed following NATO’s withdrawal. The country’s youth will ensure it prevails.

The Real Crisis: Global Youth Unemployment
The United States must cooperate with public and private partners to tackle this vital issue.
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