Zambia debt

A Tale of 3 Nations: Debt Restructuring in Ghana, Zambia, and Sri Lanka
By Dilmini Hasintha Abeyrathne
What three different countries can tell us about the global debt problem – and China’s role in both debt distress and debt relief.

China and Zambia: A New Chapter Beyond Debt?
By Huiyi Chen
The Zambian president’s visit to China moved the relationship beyond debt and reset to a focus on growth.

China’s Debt Relief Position Is Actually Reasonable
By Etsehiwot Kebret and Hannah Ryder
China is right to say that the World Bank and IMF need to engage in debt relief. Many African debtor countries think the same thing.

Zambia’s New IMF Deal Shifts China to the Backseat
By Jade Scarfe
Two key features of the IMF deal will have the result – intended or not – of shifting Zambian spending away from Chinese projects.

China Will Help Restructure Zambia’s Debt. What Exactly Does That Mean?
By Hannah Ryder
China will work with the “Paris Club” on Zambia’s debt. Is that good or bad for Zambia?

What Zambia’s New Debt Reveal Tells Us About the ‘China Debt Trap’ Theory
By Ferdinando Cinotto
The data, once again, do not back up the prevailing narrative.
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