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Gujarati Chief Minister Modi’s Search for Legitimacy

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Gujarati Chief Minister Modi’s Search for Legitimacy

Gujarati chief minister Narendra Modi is appealing to the mainstream with a narrative of economic success.

No politician in recent times has divided public opinion in India to quite the extent the controversial chief minister of Gujarat, Narendra Modi has managed. The possibility that Modi could run for prime minister for India’s main opposition party, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), has only sharpened the schism between his supporters and opponents. This divide is clearly evident in the media, with some outlets openly vouching for the leader.

Modi’s capacity for sparking controversy was reflected most recently when the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania cancelled an invitation for him to address the Wharton India Economic Forum. The School had initially invited the leader to address the annual conference via video conference on March 23. It was canceled, however, when a group of professors and students protested Modi’s appearance on the conference agenda.

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