
India’s Canada Policy Is a Strategic Mistake
By Dr. Muqtedar Khan and Shivani Pandey
If there is no course correction, it might damage India’s international image, diminish its soft power, and create a rift with the Western powers.

The BRICS Summit in Kazan and the Limits of Western Influence
By Dilnoza Ubaydullaeva
While it may not yet be a powerful alliance, BRICS has the potential to be an attractive alternative for the countries of the Global South to pursue their national interests.

If Trump Wins, What Will His China Policies Be?
By Bonnie Girard
Donald Trump, like every other president, has his own policies and priorities. Unlike presidents before him, Trump is not worried about hurting Beijing’s feelings in the process.

The Geopolitics of the Renewed Sino-Vatican Deal
By Matthew J. Santucci
China and the Vatican recently renewed their agreement on bishop appointments, this time for four years. What does that mean for the Catholic Church in China – and for Taiwan?

Will Japan’s Election Mark the End of Abe Diplomacy?
By Hiroaki KATO
Ironically, the opposition parties may have more in common with the late Abe's approach than the LDP's current leader.

What a Trump Re-election Would Mean for Taiwan
By Claus Soong
The Republican candidate has needled Taipei about its reliance on the United States, but Taiwan can still count on U.S. support if Trump returns to the White House.

Right-sizing the China Factor in Palau’s Election
By Graeme Smith
The U.S. isn’t the only country voting on November 5. This small Pacific nation is also holding an election – and China is watching.

The Mongolia-US Strategic Partnership Under the Biden Administration
By Bolor Lkhaajav
Throughout history, changes in U.S. administrations have shaped Mongolia-U.S. bilateral relations and economic activities. How had Biden's term impacted the relationship?

BRICS Members Should Heed Lessons From China’s ‘16+1’ Platform
By Justyna Szczudlik
BRICS is a particularly prominent example of the nature of Chinese-led multilateralism.

Why Pressuring Thailand on North Korea Misses the Mark
By Tita Sanglee
Despite a consistent, albeit minuscule, economic relationship, Bangkok has little meaningful leverage over Pyongyang.

India-Germany Relations: A Unique Opportunity to Translate Intent Into Outcomes
By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
India and Germany can become important poles of the new world order if they can channel their vision and build synergies in bilateral and multilateral forums.

Existential Questions: How Russian Narratives Question Central Asian Sovereignty
By Aziz Berdiqulov
Russian politicians and commentators challenging Central Asian sovereignty unmask a continuous view of the region as part of Russia’s domain.