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Thailand’s Wage Battle: Economic Boost or Competitiveness Concern?

Thailand’s Wage Battle: Economic Boost or Competitiveness Concern?

By Prem Singh Gill
Deliberation over incremental increases to Thailand's minimum wage underscores a delicate balance between the imperative for fair compensation and the necessity to preserve economic competitiveness. 
Why Early Retirement of Coal Power is Faltering in Southeast Asia 

Why Early Retirement of Coal Power is Faltering in Southeast Asia 

By James Guild
If the goal is to reduce emissions by shutting coal plants down early without breaking contracts, then someone needs to pay. 

Isaac McKean Scarborough on Moscow’s Heavy Shadow in Tajikistan

Isaac McKean Scarborough on Moscow’s Heavy Shadow in Tajikistan

By Catherine Putz
The Soviet Union’s collapse 32 years ago led to rapid change, economic collapse, and violence. In Tajikistan, that violence slid rapidly into civil war.

Huawei’s Growing Presence in Central Asia’s Telecom Industry

Huawei’s Growing Presence in Central Asia’s Telecom Industry

By Berikbol Dukeyev, Dilfuza Mirzakhmedova, and Madina Tursonova
In both Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, Huawei has positioned itself as a major player in the telecommunications market.

How Taiwan-ASEAN Semiconductor Cooperation Can Bolster Taipei’s National Security

How Taiwan-ASEAN Semiconductor Cooperation Can Bolster Taipei’s National Security

By Chin Hsueh
Three decades after the first iteration of the “Go South” policy, changing geoeconomic realities are making the idea more attractive than ever.
New China-Serbia Free Trade Agreement Raises Security Concerns for Europe

New China-Serbia Free Trade Agreement Raises Security Concerns for Europe

By Maja Bjeloš, Nils Resare, and Wawa Wang
The FTA aims to increase trade flows and eliminate custom tariffs on arms deals, opening the field for sanctioned Chinese companies in Serbia. That’s bad news for Europe.

China’s Electric Vehicle Expansion in Central Asia

China’s Electric Vehicle Expansion in Central Asia

By Nargiza Murataliyeva and Shakhriyor Ismailkhodjaev
Chinese electric vehicles are making inroads into Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, but for different reasons.
North Korean Exports Hit Record High Since UN Sanctions Took Full Effect

North Korean Exports Hit Record High Since UN Sanctions Took Full Effect

By Troy Stangarone
North Korea’s exports overwhelmingly go to China – and rely on a single (and surprising) export category.

Workers Lose as Indonesian Laws Can’t Keep Pace With Rideshare Apps

Workers Lose as Indonesian Laws Can’t Keep Pace With Rideshare Apps

By Nabiyla Risfa Izzati
Gig platforms have mushroomed in Indonesia in the past decade. But regulations have lagged, and it's the workers who pay.

China’s Export-Reliant Growth Model Threatens Its Trade Relations

China’s Export-Reliant Growth Model Threatens Its Trade Relations

By François Godement
The country's economic model depends on the world absorbing its surplus production. As protectionism grows elsewhere, Europe is increasingly exposed to these dumping practices.

How Mongolia’s Third Neighbor Policy Can Bolster Its Tourism Sector

How Mongolia’s Third Neighbor Policy Can Bolster Its Tourism Sector

By Bolor Lkhaajav
From boosting air links to promoting Mongolian culture abroad, Mongolia's government is making an all-out push to attract tourists in 2024.
The Geopolitical Ripple: How China-US Tensions Reshape Business in Latin America

The Geopolitical Ripple: How China-US Tensions Reshape Business in Latin America

By Thiago de Aragao
The rivalry between Washington and Beijing has put Latin American countries in a challenging position, particularly as the region's economic dependence on China grows.

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