
Sri Lanka’s Underappreciated Asset: Offshore Natural Gas
By Thomas L. Davis and Amila Sandaruwan Ratnayake
Developing natural gas resources will help the country overcome its economic crisis, provide energy security, and lower carbon dioxide emissions.

The Intensifying Impacts of Upstream Dams on the Mekong
By Nguyen Minh Quang, Nguyen Phuong Nguyen, Le Minh Hieu, and James Borton
The Mekong Delta of Vietnam stands to be most in danger in the time of accelerating and intersecting impacts from climate change and hydropower.

Can China’s Green Electricity Certificates Boost Demand for Renewable Energy?
By Chris Hankin
New rules for GECs will make the marketplace more robust as China works to increase renewable energy consumption nationwide.

Philippines Plans to Siphon Oil Cargo From Sunken Tanker to Avert ‘Environmental Catastrophe’
By Jim Gomez
The tanker Terra Nova sank Thursday after midnight in Manila Bay with about 1.4 million liters (370,000 gallons) of industrial fuel oil stored in watertight tanks.

What the Third Plenum Means for China’s Decarbonization Effort
By Chris Hankin
As the share of renewables grows, China is shifting from controlling energy consumption to controlling carbon emissions specifically.

China’s Wind Power Firms Are Advancing in Europe – For Now
By Chris Hankin
Chinese turbine manufacturers are rapidly expanding in Europe, but it’s a race against the clock as tariffs loom.

Supply Chain Disruption: A Key Trigger for India’s Plea for Climate Change Action
By Shanthie Mariet D’Souza
The serious impact of climate change on India’s economic aspiration has begun to figure on the government’s agenda or at least in its public pronouncements.

Indonesia’s Massive Metals Build-out Is Felling the Forest for Batteries
By Victoria Milko, Ed Davey, and Camille Fassett
Where developers build Indonesia’s vast nickel-processing plants, surrounding forest disappears twice as fast: “The damage to the environment is devastating.”

The Carbon Footprints of Indian Business Tycoon’s Head-Turning Wedding Display
By Snigdhendu Bhattacharya
The marathon celebration over Mukesh Ambani’s youngest son Anant’s wedding could go down in history as one of the most expensive – in both cash and carbon.

Districts in the Western Indian Himalayan Region Are More Prone to Climate Change Risks, Says New Study
By Rajeev Bhattacharyya
According to the IIT-M report, Shimla in Himachal Pradesh is the most hazard-prone district of the IHR followed by the East Sikkim in the Northeast.

Cambodian Court Sentences Environmental Activists to Hefty Prison Terms
By Sebastian Strangio
The 10 activists, four of whom were arrested outside the court, are members of the group Mother Nature, which was deregistered in 2017.

Ecological Disasters in Sikkim: A Skewed Security-Development Balance in the Himalayas?
By Stanzin Lhaskyabs and Rahul Ganguly
Developmental and security projects, such as the construction of dams and roads, are contributing to the uptick in deadly natural disasters.