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China Tries to Blot out Tibetan Criticism of Mining Firm’s Damage to the Environment 

China Tries to Blot out Tibetan Criticism of Mining Firm’s Damage to the Environment 

By Duncan Bartlett
Tsowo Tsering says sand mining is disrupting his community and endangers the international water supply. His supporters fear he risks jail for speaking out online.
Why India Needs to Incentivize Water Reuse

Why India Needs to Incentivize Water Reuse

By Anshuman
To encourage greater water reuse, India must prioritize infrastructure development, implement sound policies, and allow private sector participation.

Climate and China Weigh on How the US Views Pacific Relations

Climate and China Weigh on How the US Views Pacific Relations

By Henryk Szadziewski
In contrasting Harris and Trump's platforms there is one commonality: the continued competition with China for global political and economic power, including in the Pacific.

Arsenic Kills by Stealth in India’s Villages

Arsenic Kills by Stealth in India’s Villages

By Mimi Roy
Public health interventions have been few and far between to check the continuing ravages of arsenic poisoning in India.

Nepal’s Hydropower Ambitions at the Crossroads of Climate Shocks

Nepal’s Hydropower Ambitions at the Crossroads of Climate Shocks

By Atal Ahmadzai
The country's vulnerability to climate-related water shocks is exacerbated by its unique geological and hydrological features.
Nepal Urges China to Share Data Required for Flood Management

Nepal Urges China to Share Data Required for Flood Management

By Duncan Bartlett
Nepal’s Department of Hydrology and Meteorology claims that China has been withholding vital information on glacial lakes under its control in Tibet.

In the Komodo Dragon’s Lair, Tourism Faces a Delicate Balancing Act

In the Komodo Dragon’s Lair, Tourism Faces a Delicate Balancing Act

By Reiza Miftah Wirakusuma, Sarah Gardiner and Alexandra Coghlan
As visitor numbers to natural wonders around the world grow, authorities face a huge challenge balancing conservation with development.
India’s Clean Energy Transition Requires a Delicate Balancing Act

India’s Clean Energy Transition Requires a Delicate Balancing Act

By Vaibhav Chowdhary
A balance between emission and growth warrants integrated energy planning, leading to a low-cost transition pathway for sustainable growth.

Greenwashing Raises Red Flags With Indonesian Consumers

Greenwashing Raises Red Flags With Indonesian Consumers

By Ridho Bramulya Ikhsan
Consumers including millennials choose carefully, increasingly aware of deceptive environmental claims by businesses.

Tuvalu’s Water Woes

Tuvalu’s Water Woes

By John Augé
The new Funafuti Water Supply and Sanitation Project is a critical step toward addressing Tuvalu’s water needs, but that alone won’t be enough.

How Water Scarcity Threatens Taiwan’s Semiconductor Industry

How Water Scarcity Threatens Taiwan’s Semiconductor Industry

By Kevin Zhang
Climate change and seasonal droughts could jeopardize the chip industry’s long-term strength and future expansion in Taiwan.
In Asia, Zero Waste Is Proving to Be a Climate Solution

In Asia, Zero Waste Is Proving to Be a Climate Solution

By Sonia G. Astudillo
Decentralized and community-led zero waste practices are a low-hanging fruit in addressing the climate crisis.

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