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Taking Enhanced Russia-North Korea Ties in Stride

Taking Enhanced Russia-North Korea Ties in Stride

By Lyle Goldstein
In the end, enhanced Russia-North Korea ties should not come as a surprise.
An Expanding BRICS Seeks to Reform Not Replace the Global Order

An Expanding BRICS Seeks to Reform Not Replace the Global Order

By Muqtedar Khan and Lucas Lima
Member nations are unhappy with the systemic bias against the Global South and want to reform the current order such that mutually agreed upon norms are applied equally to all nations.

How Mongolia’s Foreign Policy Can Bolster Critical Mineral Supply Chains

How Mongolia’s Foreign Policy Can Bolster Critical Mineral Supply Chains

By Bolor Lkhaajav and Enkhtur Lkhagvajav
Mongolia has a significant opportunity to contribute to the regional and global energy transition by supplying key commodities.

The Sea Isn’t the Only Thing Rising: Life, Death and Disease in the Pacific

The Sea Isn’t the Only Thing Rising: Life, Death and Disease in the Pacific

By Ami Bera and Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick
Cutting funding to multilateral efforts that confront climate change globally is shortsighted. When we help others, no matter how many miles away, we learn how to help ourselves.

Nippon Steel’s Acquisition of U.S. Steel Would Serve U.S. Interests

Nippon Steel’s Acquisition of U.S. Steel Would Serve U.S. Interests

By Alex Little
The deal could revive the moribund American steel industry at a crucial juncture for both nations.
Dignifying the Taliban in Doha While Reports of Systemic Sexual Violence Emerge

Dignifying the Taliban in Doha While Reports of Systemic Sexual Violence Emerge

By Lauryn Oates
There is overwhelming evidence that sexual assault perpetrated by Taliban officials is widespread and systemic, and that it occurs with total impunity. 

Modi’s Visit Reaffirms the West’s Failure to Isolate Putin

Modi’s Visit Reaffirms the West’s Failure to Isolate Putin

By Mohamed Zeeshan
Wary of Western hegemony, Modi and Putin discussed multiple ways to bypass Western sanctions, including a bilateral payment system.
25 Years On, Falun Gong Still Firmly in Beijing’s Repressive Sights

25 Years On, Falun Gong Still Firmly in Beijing’s Repressive Sights

By Levi Browde and Larry Liu
With its continued efforts to persecute the group, the CCP is implicitly admitting that its effort to wipe out Falun Gong has categorically failed.

What South Korea Can Accomplish at NATO To Help End the War in Ukraine

What South Korea Can Accomplish at NATO To Help End the War in Ukraine

By Scott Snyder
Given the revitalized North Korea-Russia relationship, South Korea has an even more direct stake than before in the duration and outcome of the war in Ukraine.  

Myanmar’s Women Face Significant Risks From Junta Conscription Drive

Myanmar’s Women Face Significant Risks From Junta Conscription Drive

By Thinzar Shunlei Yi and Maggi Quadrini
After an initial exemption, women and girls are now being forcibly recruited into the ranks of the country's armed forces.

The UN’s Capitulation to the Taliban

The UN’s Capitulation to the Taliban

By Davood Moradian
For decades, the United Nations has failed Afghanistan.
Cancellation of Nickel Investments Should Be a Wake-Up Call for Indonesia

Cancellation of Nickel Investments Should Be a Wake-Up Call for Indonesia

By Krista Shennum
The government's break-neck drive to exploit its nickel deposits should not come at the expense of human rights and the environment.

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