
As Rohingya Wait for Justice, Myanmar’s Military Continues to Revel in Impunity
By Wai Wai Nu and Khin Ohmar
Four years on, there is an urgent need for international action to tackle the Myanmar military's culture of impunity.

Did Biden’s Taiwan Remarks Represent a US Policy Change?
By Gerrit van der Wees
“Strategic ambiguity” is not a policy; it is a tactic. The difference matters.

Climate Change Is a Test for Asia’s Tech Titans
By Xueying Wu
As extreme weather intensifies, companies like Samsung, Toshiba, and Alibaba must commit to renewable energy.

In Biden’s ‘America First’ Lite, Allies and Partners Come Second
By William Choong
After the fall of Kabul, there will be an element of doubt surrounding U.S. commitments in the Indo-Pacific.

The Myth of a Sustainable Stalemate in Afghanistan
By Gil Barndollar
Biden's choice was indeed between withdrawal and escalation. There never was a sustainable stalemate that could have been maintained.

How Papua New Guinea Can Eliminate Vector-Borne Diseases
By Sarthak Das, Simon Bland, and Mobumo Kiromat
PNG is one of the Asia-Pacific countries most severely affected by mosquito-borne diseases.

Myanmar’s Non-Government Education Sector Needs Urgent Help
By Perry Q. Wood
There is an urgent need for foreign governments to help ensure that a generation of Myanmar youth is not lost to the country's political turmoil.

Afghanistan Fiasco Does Not Destroy US Credibility in Asia-Pacific
By Denny Roy
While the disaster unfolding in Afghanistan will have many negative consequences, it will not by itself cause the end of U.S. strategic pre-eminence in the Asia-Pacific region.

Bangladesh’s ‘Fake News’ Law Is Used to Stifle Dissent
By Saad Hammadi
Bangladesh’s crackdown on dissent tests the human rights commitment of all states.

What the Fall of Afghanistan Means for Taiwan
By Vincent Chao
Afghanistan and Taiwan have few parallels, but Taipei can still draw some important lessons from the tragic fall of Kabul.

The Last Hearing of a Khmer Rouge Leader
By Youk Chhang
The impending closure of the Khmer Rouge Tribunal must be recognized as the beginning of a new chapter in Cambodia’s search for justice.

Was Vietnam’s Chinese COVID-19 Vaccine Debacle Just a Stunt?
By Le Dong Hai Nguyen
There is a strong case to be made that the Vietnamese government leveraged ingrained anti-Chinese sentiment to boost vaccine uptake.