The New Poor: ASEAN Tackles the Challenge of Rising Inequalities
By Puja Dutta, Deepali Khanna and Nicola Nixon
The pandemic worsened an already precarious situation for many largely due to gaps in social protection systems.
How Trump and the 2020 US Election Are Helping Authoritarians’ Domestic Causes
By Mai Truong
The Trump administration has gifted autocrats with three key tools for consolidating their strength at home.
The Internet as Battleground in Thailand’s COVID-19 Tinderbox Moment
By Colleen Scribner
Online tools have been invaluable for Thailand's pro-democracy movement – but the government is cracking down.
Islamophobia on the Rise in Sri Lanka as Deceased Muslims Forced Into Cremation
By Tasnim Nazeer
Authorities are using COVID-19 to justify forced cremations for Muslims, devastating family members.
Asia and the Pacific Can Lead the Way in Climate Ambition
By Dechen Tsering and Christophe Bahuet
Five years ago, Asia-Pacific countries were crucial to the passage of the Paris Agreement. They will also be key to fulfilling its aims.
A Spotlight on the Right to a Healthy Environment in Southeast Asia
By Claudia Ituarte-Lima
Human rights and environmental conservation are inseparable – and the nations of Southeast Asia should treat them as such.
The Geopolitics of Cybersecurity
By David Koh
Cooperation among states must underpin efforts to create a safer, more secure, and interoperable cyberspace.
COVID-19: A Regional Response Is Key for ASEAN
By Deepali Khanna and Nicola Nixon
Recovering from the coronavirus pandemic necessitates a robust regional response.
What Can Australia do About China? Ask Indonesia and Japan
By Ross B. Taylor
Canberra can learn from its neighbors about how to handle the challenges posed by Beijing's waxing power.
5 Steps Joe Biden Should Take to Confront the China Challenge
By Joey Siu
China is a looming threat to international order. U.S. leadership in confronting the issue has never been more important.
Farmers Protests in India: Politics Over Economics?
By Milind Sathye
New laws around agriculture in India stand to significantly boost farmers’ incomes.
The Jakarta-Bandung Rail Project: 5 Years On and Still Going Nowhere
By Meiki W. Paendong
The railway, China's landmark BRI project in Indonesia, has failed to account for its economic and social impacts.