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2 BJP State Governments Order Vendors Along Hindu Pilgrimage Route to Display Their Names

2 BJP State Governments Order Vendors Along Hindu Pilgrimage Route to Display Their Names

By Kavita Chowdhury
The Supreme Court has issued an interim order to stay the controversial directive, which seems aimed at identifying Muslim vendors to destroy their livelihoods.
Is This the Beginning of the End of Sheikh Hasina’s Rule?

Is This the Beginning of the End of Sheikh Hasina’s Rule?

By Zia Hassan
Student protests against quotas in Bangladeshi government jobs have escalated into a nationwide anti-Hasina movement.

New Caledonia: Two Dreams, One Political Future

New Caledonia: Two Dreams, One Political Future

By Catherine Wilson
While the immediate unrest has paused, Kanaks say that sustainable peace is dependent on their grievances being addressed.

How Will the Judicial Branch Impact the Future of TikTok and China-US Relations?

How Will the Judicial Branch Impact the Future of TikTok and China-US Relations?

By Jiachen Shi
The ramifications of the TikTok case on presidential authority resonate with a significant judicial landmark in China-U.S. relations from over four decades ago: 1978’s Goldwater v. Carter.

Vietnam Communist Party Chief Nguyen Phu Trong Dies at Age 80

Vietnam Communist Party Chief Nguyen Phu Trong Dies at Age 80

By Associated Press
Trong had dominated Vietnamese politics since 2011. Now attention turns to his successor, former security minister To Lam.
The Quota Reform Protest In Bangladesh Is Much More Than It Seems 

The Quota Reform Protest In Bangladesh Is Much More Than It Seems 

By Md Mizanur Rahman
Bangladesh’s leaders are right that the protest has morphed into a broader challenge. What they fail to see is that their own actions are responsible for that development.

The Coming Clash Between Japan’s Current and Former Prime Ministers

The Coming Clash Between Japan’s Current and Former Prime Ministers

By Jio Kamata
The upcoming LDP election will be a battle over policy and personality, and Prime Minister Kishida Fumio and his predecessor, Suga Yoshihide, symbolize the LDP's internal divide.
As Constitutional Challenge Advances, KMT Previews Its Use of Controversial New Legislative Powers

As Constitutional Challenge Advances, KMT Previews Its Use of Controversial New Legislative Powers

By Brian Hioe
At least two investigative committees have now been convened using the new powers, highlighting issues the KMT has long complained about.

Who Is Engineer Rashid, One of Kashmir’s New MPs?

Who Is Engineer Rashid, One of Kashmir’s New MPs?

By Shiv Bhagwan Saharan and Liyaqat Nazir
Sheikh Abdul Rashid is now a member of India's Parliament. He is also being held in jail on terrorism funding charges. What does his election mean for Kashmir?

Vietnam’s President To Lam Assumes Leadership Duties as Communist Party Chief Trong Faces Health Crisis

Vietnam’s President To Lam Assumes Leadership Duties as Communist Party Chief Trong Faces Health Crisis

By Shannon Tiezzi and Aniruddha Ghosal
The sudden announcement confirmed longstanding rumors of Trong's ill health, and locks in Lam as his successor.

As Protests Erupt, a Rocky Start to Sheikh Hasina’s Fourth Consecutive Term

As Protests Erupt, a Rocky Start to Sheikh Hasina’s Fourth Consecutive Term

By Saqlain Rizve
A perfect storm of political and economic grievance has seen Bangladesh erupt in student-led protests.
From Activism to Provincial Assembly: A Conversation With Gwadar’s Maulana Hidayat ur Rehman

From Activism to Provincial Assembly: A Conversation With Gwadar’s Maulana Hidayat ur Rehman

By Mariyam Suleman Anees
The leader of a major protest movement in Gwadar is now a member of the Balochistan Provincial Assembly.

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