The Repression of Muslim Identity and the Rise of Conservative Islam in Bangladesh
By Shafi Md Mostofa
The imposition of secularism by the ruling elites catalyzed a conservative backlash that has continued to shape the religious and political landscape of the country since independence.
Taiwanese Business’ Mistreatment of Chinese Workers Intensifies Anti-Taiwan Sentiment in China
By Li Qiang
Chinese laborers who have worked for Taiwanese companies are more likely to express dissatisfaction with Taiwan, especially on issues like Taiwan independence.
Halloween: A Time To Ask What Truly Scares Us
By Aisyah Llewellyn
While not being native to Southeast Asia, analogues to the the American holiday exist in many parts of the region.
In Uzbekistan, a Soviet Perspective on Media Lingers
By Catherine Putz
Uzbekistan’s prosecutor general has urged media to reply only on official sources of information in relation to the recent assassination attempt. The problem is, officially, very little has been said.
France’s Colonial Legacy in the Pacific: A Contemporary Crisis
By Patricia O’Brien
Much attention has been paid to France’s relationship with New Caledonia in recent months, but France has also been compelled to address its colonial ties with its other great Pacific territory, French Polynesia.
The Handmaiden of Media Oligarchies in India
By Vibodh Parthasarathi
An opaque and weak Competition Commission of India risks being seen as a facilitator of media oligarchies in India.
South Korean Women Have Another Digital Sex Crime to Worry About: Deepfake Porn
By Jiwon Kim
Weak protections in cases of sexual violence, whether physical or digital, and deeply entrenched misogyny in society create a toxic environment for Korean women.
Bangladesh’s Student Politics: Storied History, Brutal Violence
By Saqlain Rizve
Is banning student politics the only solution to stop the bloodshed between rival groups and the exploitation of students caught in the middle?
From Chits to Chatbots: Cheating in India’s Education System
By Naresh Singh
Cheating and plagiarism are already widespread in India's higher education sector. AI tools are making the problem worse, but could also make things better.
Singapore’s ‘Smart’ Tech Policies Require Public Trust
By Kris Hartley
Technology alone will not ensure the success of the city-state's pioneering Smart Nation initiative.
Rights Groups Call on Thai Government to Apprehend Tak Bai Accused
By Sebastian Strangio
With the statute of limitations due in the case to expire tomorrow, the seven defendants accused of the 2004 massacre are set to walk free.
Thai Authorities Cut Illegal Internet Cable Running Into Laos
By Sebastian Strangio
The National Broadcasting and Telecommunications Commission claims that the illegal connection was used by Laos-based scamming gangs to target Thai nationals.