
May 2013

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Turkey's SCO Play: Does it Matter?

Turkey's SCO Play: Does it Matter?

“New members could further weaken the organization’s potential to work constructively.”

In Praise of Pessimism

In Praise of Pessimism

“Training is about preparing for intrinsically mercurial situations. It’s about preparing for the worst while hoping for the best.”

A War of Words Between Khan and Sharif in the Battle for Pakistan

A War of Words Between Khan and Sharif in the Battle for Pakistan

With the nation facing difficult challenges, Pakistanis are looking for light at the end of the tunnel. Who can deliver?

America's Pivot to Asia: A Report Card

America's Pivot to Asia: A Report Card

The pivot is a smart policy which is more nuanced than most people realize. But its China blind spot could be its undoing.

A Historic Trip: South Korean President Park Coming to America

A Historic Trip: South Korean President Park Coming to America

North Korea’s recent threats and economic matters will likely dominate talks next week.

"Red Lines" On Iran: Not So Black and White

"Red Lines" On Iran: Not So Black and White

Amid the proliferation of red lines, the important ones are at risk of being opaque or even unintelligible in Tehran.

Here Come the Missile Carriers

Here Come the Missile Carriers

Could aircraft carriers be eclipsed by new technology? We breakdown the top defense and foreign policy articles for your weekend.

China: Middle East Peace Broker?

Chinese and U.S. leaders have both said they want to create a new type of relationship. The Middle East is the perfect place to start.

Australia's Submarine Folly

Australia's Submarine Folly

Australia’s Defense White Paper 2013 seems to kill the idea of acquiring nuclear subs. That could be a mistake.

RIP King Coal?

RIP King Coal?

A slump in prices has seen a spate of mine closures and job cuts. Can coal bounce back?

Smartphone Clash: HTC One vs. iPhone 5

Smartphone Clash: HTC One vs. iPhone 5

Can HTC’s latest smartphone win over loyal Apple users?

What Modern Militaries Can Learn From Battlestar Galactica

What Modern Militaries Can Learn From Battlestar Galactica

“Sometimes revolutionary innovation delivers; it often doesn’t.”

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