
April 2014

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China and Japan Seek Detente?

China and Japan Seek Detente?

By Zachary Keck
All signs suggest that China and Japan are quietly trying to improve ties.
China, Russia Seek 'Enhanced Mutual Political Support'

China, Russia Seek 'Enhanced Mutual Political Support'

By Shannon Tiezzi
During the Russian Foreign Minister's visit to Beijing, China and Russia extolled their growing relationship.

Why the Senkaku/Diaoyu Dispute Isn't Going Away Anytime Soon

Why the Senkaku/Diaoyu Dispute Isn't Going Away Anytime Soon

By Ankit Panda
The dispute over the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands is going to remain a major issue in China-Japan relations for a while.

China’s National Security Commission Holds First Meeting

China’s National Security Commission Holds First Meeting

By Shannon Tiezzi
Xi Jinping made it clear that both domestic stability and external security are on the agenda for the new commission.

Russian Su-24 Makes Pass at US Warship in the Black Sea

Russian Su-24 Makes Pass at US Warship in the Black Sea

By Ankit Panda
A Russian Su-24 flew 12 passes over the USS Donald Cook in the Black Sea.
Military Transparency Is Overrated

Military Transparency Is Overrated

By Dingding Chen
China has good reasons to remain secretive about its military.

How Technology Revolutionized Taiwan’s Sunflower Movement

How Technology Revolutionized Taiwan’s Sunflower Movement

By Vincent Y. Chao
Facebook and Google, the favored tools of dissidents, are now shaping Taiwan’s relationship with China.
Sorry, the Protests Have Undermined Taiwan’s Reputation

Sorry, the Protests Have Undermined Taiwan’s Reputation

By Charles I-hsin Chen
The protests have had both economic and political implications for the island, argues Charles I-hsin Chen.

China’s Delicate Pursuit of Natural Gas

China’s Delicate Pursuit of Natural Gas

By Mark Eels
As it seeks to reduce its dependence on coal, Beijing’s return to the Silk Road raises some unfamiliar security concerns.

Indian Supreme Court Creates ‘Third Gender’ Category for Transgenders

Indian Supreme Court Creates ‘Third Gender’ Category for Transgenders

By Zachary Keck
The Indian Supreme Court’s ruling on Tuesday aims to empower India’s Hirja population.

Justice for Nepal’s War-Era Victims?

Justice for Nepal’s War-Era Victims?

By Kamal Dev Bhattarai
Nepal struggles to form a mechanism that would deal with cases of wartime human rights violations.
US to Help Taiwan Build Attack Submarines

US to Help Taiwan Build Attack Submarines

By Zachary Keck
Taiwan’s defense chief has confirmed that Washington will help Taipei build diesel-electric attack submarines (SSK).

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