
April 2014

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South Korea Extends Ballistic Missile Range

South Korea Extends Ballistic Missile Range

By Zachary Keck
South Korea says it tested a new ballistic missile with a range of 500 km, and that’s only the start.
Rome, Carthage and US-China Relations

Rome, Carthage and US-China Relations

By James R. Holmes
With all this Thucydidesmania, it’s easy to forget the important lessons the Punic Wars might offer China and the US.

Mongolia: More Than Just a Courtesy Call

Mongolia: More Than Just a Courtesy Call

By J. Berkshire Miller
The significance of US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel’s visit to Ulan Bator this month should not be overlooked.

China’s Former Leaders Tell Xi To Halt Anti-Corruption Campaign

China’s Former Leaders Tell Xi To Halt Anti-Corruption Campaign

By Zachary Keck
Former Presidents Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao are reportedly pushing for an end to Xi Jinping's anti-graft campaign.

Japan Loosens Restrictions on Arms Exports As China Looks On

Japan Loosens Restrictions on Arms Exports As China Looks On

By Shannon Tiezzi
Japan's decision to allow more arms exports leads to caution and suspicion in China.
Japan Will Reactivate Nuclear Plants

Japan Will Reactivate Nuclear Plants

By Ankit Panda
The Abe administration is attempting to restart several of Japan's nuclear reactors.

4 Ways China Can Prepare for War in East Asia

4 Ways China Can Prepare for War in East Asia

By Yang Hengjun
Northeast Asia has become a potential powder keg. What should China do to prepare itself for possible conflict?
Hindu Nationalism and ... Foreign Policy?

Hindu Nationalism and ... Foreign Policy?

By Ankit Panda
What does Hindu nationalism have to say about international relations?

Chinese Tourist Abducted From Malaysian Resort by Armed Gunmen

Chinese Tourist Abducted From Malaysian Resort by Armed Gunmen

By Shannon Tiezzi
Two women, a Chinese tourist and a Filipino worker, were abducted by gunman believed to be Philippine militants.

Courting India’s Muslim Vote

Courting India’s Muslim Vote

By Sudha Ramachandran
India’s Muslim minority could have a powerful impact on the elections. Who will they vote for?

iPhone 6: April Rumor Roundup

iPhone 6: April Rumor Roundup

By Vlad Andrici
Bigger screens and two size options could be coming in September.
Wen Yunchao: 'Absolutely No Improvements' in Dissident Arrests Under Xi

Wen Yunchao: 'Absolutely No Improvements' in Dissident Arrests Under Xi

By Tyler Roney
The Diplomat interviews Chinese free speech advocate Wen Yunchao about Internet censorship in China.

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