
April 2014

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Ukraine and the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Ukraine and the Trans-Pacific Partnership

By Zachary Keck
The Obama administration should use the Ukraine crisis to get Trade Promotion Authority from Congress.
US-Philippines Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement Bolsters 'Pivot to Asia'

US-Philippines Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement Bolsters 'Pivot to Asia'

By Ankit Panda
The US-Philippines Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement is a boon to the "Pivot to Asia."

China Is Fine With Obama’s Trip to Asia - Except for Japan

China Is Fine With Obama’s Trip to Asia - Except for Japan

By Shannon Tiezzi
China's official response to Obama's Asia trip has been restrained - except for comments on U.S.-Japan relations.

4 Reasons Why Japan (Still) Doubts US Security Assurances

4 Reasons Why Japan (Still) Doubts US Security Assurances

By Dingding Chen
Japan has plenty of good reasons to remain skeptical of the United States' commitment to its security.

The War Over China's Internet

The War Over China's Internet

By Shannon Tiezzi
China's government has unleashed a full-scale attack on unruly internet companies and undesirable content.
China’s Ongoing Battle with Illegal Fundraising

China’s Ongoing Battle with Illegal Fundraising

By Sara Hsu
As its economy grows, China is grappling with increasing instances of fraudulent behavior in its shadow banking sector.

China's Government: Weak or Strong?

China's Government: Weak or Strong?

By Kerry Brown
While foreigners tend to think of the Chinese state as a powerful behemoth, the Chinese people bemoan its weakness.
Reducing Tensions in East Asia

Reducing Tensions in East Asia

By Tsuneo Akaha
Historical grievances have China, Japan, Korea and Russia at an impasse. How might they move beyond it?

India Looks Far East

India Looks Far East

By Kailash K. Prasad
A growing presence in the Pacific Islands could have significant benefits for India.

Taiwan Rocked by Anti-Nuclear Protests

Taiwan Rocked by Anti-Nuclear Protests

By J. Michael Cole
Anti-nuclear protesters have taken to the streets of Taipei to demand the end of atomic energy on the island.

India: Urgent Defense Reforms Needed

India: Urgent Defense Reforms Needed

By Nitin A. Gokhale
After years of bungling, India’s next prime minister will need to move quickly on both foreign policy and defense reforms.
The Limits of Pacific Maritime Law

The Limits of Pacific Maritime Law

By James R. Holmes
The new Code for Unplanned Encounters at Sea will not bring peace in our time.

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