
April 2014

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Bangladesh: One Year After Rana Plaza, Problems Linger

Bangladesh: One Year After Rana Plaza, Problems Linger

By Han Zhang
Fashions change, life moves on, but the problems with the apparel industry endure.
The Risks of Asia-Pacific Multilateralism

The Risks of Asia-Pacific Multilateralism

By John H.S. Åberg and Nathan W. Novak
Those who would call for U.S.-led multilateral institutions in Asia need to consider the potential pitfalls.

Can Cambodia’s Media Reform?

Can Cambodia’s Media Reform?

By Theara Khoun
Without sweeping reform, traditional media in Cambodia is at risk of becoming irrelevant.

Afghanistan’s 2014 Election: An Observer’s Account

Afghanistan’s 2014 Election: An Observer’s Account

By Srinjoy Bose
An independent observer of the 2014 Afghan general elections offers his impressions of Afghanistan's historic election day.

Engaging China on Human Rights

Engaging China on Human Rights

By Julia Famularo
China is bound to act in its national interest. Upholding human rights is one of those interests.
The Myth of Chinese Assertiveness

The Myth of Chinese Assertiveness

By Björn Jerdén
Frequent claims that China has grown more assertive since 2009 ignore the historical record.

The Midterm Elections and the Asia Pivot

The Midterm Elections and the Asia Pivot

By Zachary Keck
The Republican Party taking the Senate in the 2014 elections could be a boon for the Asia Pivot.
2 Ways Obama Can Strengthen the Pivot

2 Ways Obama Can Strengthen the Pivot

By Harry Kazianis
During Obama’s “great reassurance tour” in Asia this week, he should focus on the TPP and the status-quo.

Eyeing Pipeline, Russia Forgives North Korean Debt

Eyeing Pipeline, Russia Forgives North Korean Debt

By Zachary Keck
Russia’s Duma has voted to forgive 90 percent of North Korea’s Soviet-Era Debt.

China Protests Youth Exchange with India, Highlighting Arunachal Dispute

China Protests Youth Exchange with India, Highlighting Arunachal Dispute

By Ankit Panda
China has requested that India remove delegates from Arunachal Pradesh for an annual youth exchange.

Beijing: No Meeting Between Chinese, Japanese Naval Chiefs

Beijing: No Meeting Between Chinese, Japanese Naval Chiefs

By Shannon Tiezzi
China stressed there would be no one-on-one contact with the visiting Japanese delegation at this week's symposium.
Microfinance Faces Uncertain Future in Bangladesh

Microfinance Faces Uncertain Future in Bangladesh

By Ankit Panda
The Bangladesh government should reevaluate its pursuit to regulate and nationalize the operations of the Grameen Bank.

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