December 2014

The Rise of the 31st Army in Chinese Politics
By Bo Zhiyue
Two newly promoted leaders in China's military and paramilitary both have ties to the 31st Army in Fujian.

China’s Holiday Spending Sprees
By Sara Hsu
Consumer spending was robust over the Christmas period, and looks set to perform well during Chinese New Year.

Separatist Carnage in Northeast India
By Kiran Mohandas Menon
An attack last week by a separatist group killed more than 70 people in the Northeast Indian state of Assam.

Aircraft Carriers in the Taiwan Strait
By Vasilis Trigkas
Aircraft carriers are a major factor in cross-strait strategic stability.
The Growing Mekong Controversy
By Tom Fawthrop
Mekong consultants have exposed serious flaws in the Don Sahong Dam project, which continues regardless.

Will Philippine Talks With Communist Rebels Resume in 2015?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
Encouraging signs of fresh talks may mask familiar and formidable challenges

China Is Asia’s Top Market For 2014
By Anthony Fensom
China topped Asia's equities markets in 2014. Who will be the winner in 2015?

Australia’s Major Party Headaches
By Grant Wyeth
Australian voters are increasingly turning to micro and single-issue parties.

LDP Hegemony and the Future of Japanese Foreign Policy
By Peter Harris
With Shinzo Abe returned to power, is Japan back to an era of foreign policy stability?

Jokowi Visit An Opportunity for Indonesia to Tackle its Papua Problem
By Prashanth Parameswaran
President’s Christmas visit to Papua provides momentum to address longstanding grievances

New Year’s Predictions for Southeast Asia (Part 2)
By Joshua Kurlantzick
Counting down the top five predictions for 2015.

The Geopolitics of South Asian Political Stability
By Akhilesh Pillalamarri
A recent essay by Robert Kaplan offers fascinating insight into South Asia's political stability.