November 2015

Tibet, Taiwan and China – A Complex Nexus
By Tshering Chonzom Bhutia
Recent developments in cross-strait relations raise interesting questions for Tibet’s leadership in exile.

Myanmar: Elections and the Media
By Vishal Arora
The editor of The Irrawaddy shares his thoughts on the implications of the recent elections.
Why Did China’s Navy Gain Use of a Malaysia Port Near the South China Sea?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The recent move needs to be put in proper perspective.

Maternal Health in Papua New Guinea
By Georgia Eccles
Limited public healthcare and misinformation have given PNG the highest maternal mortality rate in the Asia-Pacific.

The Implications of the Bihar Elections
By Anish Mishra
The recent defeat of the BJP has implications that go well beyond the Indian state.

Ever Wonder How China Got Back Into International Diplomacy After the Cultural Revolution?
By Robert Farley
China's successful entry into the international scene after the Cultural Revolution bears lessons for other pariah states.

Why Afghanistan’s Citizens Are Frustrated... And Leaving
By Theodore L. Eliot, Jr. and Karl F. Inderfurth
New public opinion data shows the governance shortcomings of Afghanistan's National Unity Government.

A Turning Point in Afghanistan-India Relations?
By Ankit Panda
Recent developments in the India-Afghanistan bilateral relationship suggest a major shift may be afoot.

US Navy’s Prototype Robot Ship Gets New Sonar
By Franz-Stefan Gady
An autonomous vessel designed to track Chinese and Russian subs in shallow waters gets new sonar.

Will Kazakhstan Be a Game-Changer in Afghanistan?
By Catherine Putz
Over the weekend Ashraf Ghani paid a visit to Astana and talked security and economics.

US Cyber Command’s Veiled Threat: China ‘Vulnerable’ in Cyberspace
By Franz-Stefan Gady
U.S. Admiral Mike Rogers hints at retaliatory cyber strikes should China continue malicious hacks.

Australia’s Mono-Cultural Provocateurs and Terrorism
By Greg Austin
A newspaper has helped to inflame a national mood of foreigner hate in Australia that should have died long ago.