
Delhi and Hanoi Get Serious About the Supersonic BrahMos Missile (And More)

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Delhi and Hanoi Get Serious About the Supersonic BrahMos Missile (And More)

Amid a great competition between Asia’s two large powers, does India see Vietnam as China sees Pakistan?

Delhi and Hanoi Get Serious About the Supersonic BrahMos Missile (And More)
Credit: Twitter: @SpokespersonMoD

As India plans a more robust presence in the greater Asia-Pacific, it is in the process of enhancing its defense ties with Vietnam. India seems now ready to sell the supersonic BrahMos missile, a product of an Indo-Russian joint venture, to Vietnam after dilly dallying on Hanoi’s request for this sale since 2011. Though India’s ties with Vietnam have been growing over the last few years, this sale was seen as a step too far that would antagonize China. But now the Modi government in India has directed BrahMos Aerospace, which produces the missiles, to expedite this sale to Vietnam along with four other countries, including Indonesia, South Africa, Chile and Brazil.

Other defense projects are also being expedited. Delhi will be helping Vietnam in the westernization of two of its Petya-class frigates for an antisubmarine role as well as providing Hanoi with at least 10 new patrol boats under the line of credit route. India has provided Vietnam with a $100 million line of credit, which is being utilized by Vietnam for the procurement of offshore patrol boats for their border guards. Hanoi is also interested in India’s high­-speed heavy weight torpedo ‘Varunastra.’ India’s overtures come shortly after the United States also lifted its longstanding ban on sales of lethal military equipment to Vietnam. New Delhi, for its part, wants to build relations with states like Vietnam that can act as pressure points against China. With this in mind, it has been helping Hanoi beef up its naval and air capabilities. For some in India, Vietnam can act as a counterweight in the same way Pakistan has been for China in India’s backyard.

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