
September 2016

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Independence Day in Kyrgyzstan Marred by Tragedy, Terror, and Politicking

Independence Day in Kyrgyzstan Marred by Tragedy, Terror, and Politicking

By Catherine Putz
The country's 25th Independence anniversary was not quite the patriotic fanfare that could have been expected.
Duterte’s War on Terror Makes More Sense Than His Drug Error

Duterte’s War on Terror Makes More Sense Than His Drug Error

By Luke Hunt
While the Philippine leader’s drug crackdown is concerning, his pledge to root out the Abu Sayyaf makes more sense.

US Navy Takes Delivery of New Nuclear Attack Submarine

US Navy Takes Delivery of New Nuclear Attack Submarine

By Franz-Stefan Gady
The new nuclear attack sub was delivered ahead of schedule and is slated to be commissioned in October.

The Southern Link in Thailand's Deadly Bombings

The Southern Link in Thailand's Deadly Bombings

By Shawn W. Crispin
Evidence points to a connection to the southern Thailand insurgency.

Singapore Launches New Maritime Safety Group

Singapore Launches New Maritime Safety Group

By Prashanth Parameswaran
City-state reveals collaborative platform for maritime authorities to share best practices.
China’s Successful Olympic Charm Offensive in Hong Kong

China’s Successful Olympic Charm Offensive in Hong Kong

By Cal Wong
Politics are put aside as star athletes from China's Olympic team get a warm welcome in Hong Kong.

China: The New World Leader in Mobile Technology

China: The New World Leader in Mobile Technology

By Elvis Anber
WeChat and other apps are leading a wave of innovation in China and the world.
Solving India's Mental Health Crisis

Solving India's Mental Health Crisis

By Ashish Sarangi
Jamaica's community mental health model could be the answer to India’s mental health care challenge.

India Must Tread Cautiously on Surrogacy Law

India Must Tread Cautiously on Surrogacy Law

By Anuradha Sharma
India's new surrogacy bill attempts to legislate morality, while the women at risk may not see benefits.

North Korean Executions: Don't Believe Everything You Read

North Korean Executions: Don't Believe Everything You Read

By John Power
Reports of executions and purges -- including the latest rumors -- should be taken with a grain of salt.

Why Do Coups Happen in Pakistan: A Rejoinder

By Ahsan Yousaf Chaudhary
An alternative explanation for the frequency of military rule in Pakistan.
Dams and the Rise of Lancang River Fishing

Dams and the Rise of Lancang River Fishing

By Luc Forsyth and Gareth Bright
In Jinggu county, the construction of dams on the Lancang have created a recent fishing boom, though it may not last.

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