Asia Defense

A-29s Carry Out One Third of Afghan Airstrikes

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A-29s Carry Out One Third of Afghan Airstrikes

Five out of 15 airstrikes that the Afghan Air Force conducts each day are carried out by A-29 light attack aircraft.

A-29s Carry Out One Third of Afghan Airstrikes
Credit: U.S. Air Force

Embraer/Sierra Nevada Corporation A-29 Super Tucano light attack aircraft are responsible for one third of all airstrikes conducted by the Afghan Air Force (AAF) in Afghanistan in support of ongoing military operations to defeat the Taliban insurgency, the Afghan Ministry of Defense (MoD) said over the weekend, according to local media reports.

The AAF launches on average 15 airstrikes per day in support of ground operations in the country. Out of the 15, five are typically conducted by A-29 Super Tucano light attack aircraft. (The vast majority of airstrikes are still launched by U.S. planes.) “These aircraft have a high speed and are accurate in targeting, which is all done through its electronic devices,” MoD spokesman Mohammad Radmanish said. “We mostly use these aircraft in the east, south, west and north of the country.”

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