
May 2018

Bridget Welsh on Malaysia's Election Surprise

Bridget Welsh on Malaysia's Election Surprise

By Prashanth Parameswaran
Malaysia’s 2018 election: why it matters and what comes next.

The US Needs a Reality Check on China's Belt and Road

The US Needs a Reality Check on China's Belt and Road

By Hunter Marston
Washington’s confusion about China’s Belt and Road Initiative stands in the way of an effective alternative.
North Korea: A Strava Perspective

North Korea: A Strava Perspective

By Garrett J.R. Redfield
Extrapolating foreigners' activity in North Korea based on the Strava heatmap.

Ahead of Trade Talks, Trump Slaps More Tariffs on China

Ahead of Trade Talks, Trump Slaps More Tariffs on China

By Charlotte Gao
“Tariffs or threat of tariffs are a very useful and powerful negotiation tactic,” as the AmCham China chair put it.

No 'Player One' in the Korean Peninsula Peace Process

No 'Player One' in the Korean Peninsula Peace Process

By Jin Kai
There can be no single winner in the upcoming U.S.-North Korea talks.

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?
Latest Video

What’s Driving Taiwan’s Mass Protests?

Is It Imran Khan’s Turn Yet?

Is It Imran Khan’s Turn Yet?

By Annam Lodhi
A look into the political journey of one of Pakistan’s top prime minister candidates.

The U.S.-North Korea Summit: North Korea’s Pragmatism

The U.S.-North Korea Summit: North Korea’s Pragmatism

By Atsuhito Isozaki
The summit is hanging in the balance, but a deal might very well be had.
Looking Back: The 1998 Nuclear Wake Up Call for US-India Ties

Looking Back: The 1998 Nuclear Wake Up Call for US-India Ties

By Raymond E. Vickery Jr.
India's 1998 nuclear tests were a moment of reckoning for the United States.

The Bishkek Power Plant Saga: Former Kyrgyz Prime Minister Faces Corruption Charges

The Bishkek Power Plant Saga: Former Kyrgyz Prime Minister Faces Corruption Charges

By Catherine Putz
Sapar Isakov stands accused of lobbying for the interests of the Chinese company that modernized the Bishkek power plant.

Kashmir: Killing Militants Won't Kill Militancy

Kashmir: Killing Militants Won't Kill Militancy

By Riyaz Wani for StoriesAsia
Despite the Indian Army-led, take-no-prisoners Operation All-Out, militancy is surging.

Thailand’s Migrant Workers in a Changing Legal System

Thailand’s Migrant Workers in a Changing Legal System

By Maximillian Morch
12 months after a controversial Royal Ordinance on foreign laborers, how have things changed for Thailand’s migrant workforce?
India-US-China: Aligning Interests or Managing Threats?

India-US-China: Aligning Interests or Managing Threats?

By Monish Tourangbam and Pooja Bhatt
India’s pursuit of its national interests will be tested by how it manages its relationships with the U.S. and China.

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