
August 2018

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Latest US-China Trade Talks End With a Whimper

Latest US-China Trade Talks End With a Whimper

By Shannon Tiezzi
As expected, the latest meeting brought the trade war no closer to an end.
Trump’s Disastrous Plan to Increase Contracting in Afghanistan

Trump’s Disastrous Plan to Increase Contracting in Afghanistan

By Noah Coburn
Such a move would be militarily unsound, financially unproven, and disastrous for human rights.

Facebook: Strengthening Timor-Leste’s Democracy

Facebook: Strengthening Timor-Leste’s Democracy

By Corinda Hollis
The recent elections are the first real opportunity to look at the public-facing use of social media by political parties.

Japan’s Government Investigated for Cheating Disability Hiring Quotas

Japan’s Government Investigated for Cheating Disability Hiring Quotas

By Thisanka Siripala
The government is under fire for fudging the number of disabled employees while calling on companies to hire more people with disabilities. 

Re-shaping India-US Defense Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific

Re-shaping India-US Defense Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific

By Hemant Krishan Singh and Richard M. Rossow
The forthcoming inaugural meeting of the United States-India Ministerial 2+2 Dialogue provides a historic opportunity.
How Real Is the Chinese Threat to the United States?

How Real Is the Chinese Threat to the United States?

By Charles V. Peña
Threat is a function of both capability and intention.

Korean Reunification Is Already Unviable

Korean Reunification Is Already Unviable

By Justin Fendos
Reunification, the long-held Korean dream, is already unviable. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
Foreign Companies Should Give up Their China Fantasy

Foreign Companies Should Give up Their China Fantasy

By Chauncey Jung
China is now attempting to force foreign companies to accept its own ideology.

Bhutan’s Unique Success in Reducing Poverty

Bhutan’s Unique Success in Reducing Poverty

By Kezang Wangchuk
“If the government cannot create happiness for its people, there is no purpose for the government to exist.”

What Will Pakistan-Saudi Arabia Ties Look Like Under Imran Khan?

What Will Pakistan-Saudi Arabia Ties Look Like Under Imran Khan?

By Samuel Ramani
Khan's first trip overseas will be to Saudi Arabia, to shore up a longtime partnership.

China Wants More Chinese to Work in International Organizations

China Wants More Chinese to Work in International Organizations

By Wei Liu
China is revamping its human resource deployment to organizations like the UN.
The Repression of Uyghurs Is Now an All-Out War Against a People

The Repression of Uyghurs Is Now an All-Out War Against a People

By Omer Kanat
Uyghurs fear that Beijing wants nothing less than for them to disappear as a people.

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