
Chinese Anti-Submarine Warfare: Aviation Platforms, Strategy, and Doctrine

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Chinese Anti-Submarine Warfare: Aviation Platforms, Strategy, and Doctrine

A close look at the Chinese navy’s anti-submarine warfare capabilities, doctrine, and strategy.

Chinese Anti-Submarine Warfare: Aviation Platforms, Strategy, and Doctrine
Credit: Chinese Internet

This is the second piece in a two part article evaluating the anti-submarine warfare (ASW) capabilities of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN). The first piece documented the PLAN’s significant recent growth in capable ASW surface combatants, with many of those warships equipped with capable organic ASW sensor suites including variable depth sonar (VDS) and towed array sonar systems (TASS). Frigates (FFGs) and destroyers (DDGs) also have organic ASW weapons, such as vertically launched missile/rocket launched torpedo systems.

This piece will consider the rotary and fixed wing ASW capabilities the PLAN currently has and their trajectory, as well as briefly describing some of the other specialized ASW assets that the PLAN is developing. Finally, all of the aforementioned systems and platforms will be brought together to consider what an overall PLAN ASW strategy may look like.

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