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Chinese Students in the US: Beware of Deteriorating US-China Relations

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Chinese Students in the US: Beware of Deteriorating US-China Relations

Chinese students in the United States are standing at the very front of this conflict and they will be directly impacted.

Chinese Students in the US: Beware of Deteriorating US-China Relations
Credit: Flickr/ VirtualWolf

The Financial Times reported yesterday that Washington had considered a total ban on student visas for Chinese nationals. Citing three people familiar with the situation, FT revealed that Stephen Miller, a senior adviser to U.S. President Donald Trump, had urged the Trump administration to make it impossible for Chinese citizens to study in the United States, so as to deal with “China’s nontraditional intelligence collectors.”

Although the idea was proposed early this year and had been “shelved over concerns about its economic and diplomatic impact,” according to FT, the information still caught the immediate attention of many Chinese international students in the United States. The news has been shared widely on Chinese social media and instant messaging tools.

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