
November 2018

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Why Balochs Are Targeting China

Why Balochs Are Targeting China

By Muhammad Akbar Notezai
CPEC, Balochistan, and unresolved political issues are a potent mix.
The Sentinels of the Sentinelese

The Sentinels of the Sentinelese

By Krzysztof Iwanek
India was right to deny access to one of the world’s last unresearched tribes.

Armed Insurgents Attack Chinese Consulate in Karachi

Armed Insurgents Attack Chinese Consulate in Karachi

By Ankit Panda
The attack was claimed by the Balochistan Liberation Army.

India’s Development Aid to Afghanistan: Does Afghanistan Need What India Gives?

India’s Development Aid to Afghanistan: Does Afghanistan Need What India Gives?

By Nandita Palrecha and Monish Tourangbam
Indian aid to Afghanistan is well-received, but how deeply has New Delhi analyzed its programs and their impact?

Japan's Subtle China Strategy on Display

Japan's Subtle China Strategy on Display

By Daniel Hurst
At the latest round of ASEAN summitry, Abe emphasized rapprochement with China even while raising criticisms.
What’s in the First Russia-Brunei Navy Dialogue?

What’s in the First Russia-Brunei Navy Dialogue?

By Prashanth Parameswaran
A new first holds significance within the broader bilateral defense relationship.

China’s Golden Era in Portugal

China’s Golden Era in Portugal

By Philippe Le Corre
Why is this medium-sized southern European country being targeted by Chinese investors?
Mahathir Renews Malaysia’s Love Affair With Japan

Mahathir Renews Malaysia’s Love Affair With Japan

By Prashant Waikar
Mahathir is moving closer to Japan, but he is not pushing China away.

Indonesia and RCEP: Beware the Public Health Risks

Indonesia and RCEP: Beware the Public Health Risks

By Eva Novi Karina
Proposals from Japan and South Korea would require patent law changes in several RCEP countries, including Indonesia.

Why a Democratic House Is Not Good News for China

Why a Democratic House Is Not Good News for China

By Xie Tao
Most midterm elections don't have a significant impact on U.S.-China relations. 2018 could be an exception.

Papua New Guinea Stands up to China – For Now

Papua New Guinea Stands up to China – For Now

By Bonnie Girard
Reports of China “bullying” APEC's poorest member marred the latest annual summit in PNG.
Fall From Grace: Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn Faces Financial Misconduct Charges in Japan

Fall From Grace: Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn Faces Financial Misconduct Charges in Japan

By Thisanka Siripala
The CEO superstar responsible for turning Nissan’s fortunes around was arrested for under-reporting income.

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