
Kashmir’s Teenage Militants
By Um-Roommana and Suhail Bhat
In the last few years, increasing numbers of teenagers have joined Kashmir’s militants.

What Will ASEAN’s 2020 Navy Exercise Look Like?
By Prashanth Parameswaran
A look ahead to the expected second iteration of the multilateral naval exercise.

Singapore-Thailand Defense Relations in Focus with Air Force Chief Introductory Visit
By Prashanth Parameswaran
The trip highlighted the ongoing activity in the security relationship between the two countries.

Winners and Losers From Asia’s Dog Year
By Anthony Fensom
It has been a dog year, indeed, for many.

After the Tsunami in Indonesia's Sunda Strait
By Agoes Rudianto
Indonesia has again been devastated by a tsunami, this time without warning.

Japan’s Defense Budget Swells to Counter China’s Growing Military Threat
By Thisanka Siripala
The Abe administration has given its national defense policy a new makeover sparking controversy over efforts to rush militarization.

Japan, South Korea in Row Over Alleged Radar-Lock Incident
By Ankit Panda
Seoul denies that its warship deliberately locked on to a Japanese military aircraft.

Mattis to Leave Trump Administration January 1, To Be Replaced by Patrick Shanahan
By Ankit Panda
Trump has dismissed his inaugural secretary of defense over policy disagreements.

What Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif’s Latest Prison Sentence Means
By Umair Jamal
Pakistan’s former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif has been sentenced to seven years in prison.

The Origins of Odisha’s Tribal-Dalit Political Nexus
By Parul Abrol
How the British gave birth to the Adivasi vs. Dalit equation in the Indian state of Odisha.

Why Bhutan’s ‘Blood Tax‘ Needs To Be Scrapped
By Namgay Zam
Bhutan’s regressive taxation of women’s sanitary products needs to go.

China’s Christmas Crackdown
By Erika Kinetz
Santa gets pushed out as China's leaders emphasize tradition.