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Unraveled: Where Indians Come From, Part 1

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Unraveled: Where Indians Come From, Part 1

Population genetics sheds light on the origins of modern South Asians.

Unraveled: Where Indians Come From, Part 1
Credit: Kailash kumbhkar via Wikimedia Commons

Despite the considerable antiquity of Indian civilization, with some sites in what is today northwest India and Pakistan dating from over five thousand years ago, the origins of today’s Indians have long been shrouded by the depths of time, a murky morass for archaeologists and historians. However, 2018 was rightly described as the golden age of Indian population genetics, because DNA evidence, modern and ancient, combined with archaeology and linguistics, has finally unraveled the origins of Indians. We now have a good idea of where Indians come from, after decades of mystery.

What has emerged is a picture of Indian origins that aptly reflects the present diversity of South Asia. Indians — their civilization, language, and religion — are the multilayered, composite product of many different sources, now mixed to produce the modern population.

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