
The Costs of Australia’s Climate Politics
By Matt McDonald
Despite the reality of the threat posed by climate change, Australia is a significant part of the failure to adequately address it. That has growing diplomatic costs.

The New Geopolitics of Climate Change
By Scott Moore
As climate action becomes a question of geopolitical competition, the world’s major economies look ready to finally take serious steps to cut greenhouse gas emissions.

Clare Richardson-Barlow on East Asia’s Turn to Renewable Energy
By Catherine Putz
On paper, East Asian countries are moving aggressively toward renewable energy. On the ground, however, things are more complicated.

Can Australia and India Effectively Partner for COVID-19 Vaccine Roll-out?
By Grant Wyeth
Australia is well-positioned to help roll-out a COVID-19 vaccine across the Pacific and Southeast Asia; India’s vaccine manufacturing capability would be a huge boost to that effort.

After a Humbling Election Experience, Will the US Change Its Tune on China?
By Jin Kai
The 2020 U.S. election undermines Washington’s bid to act as a beacon for the world.

US Targets China’s Quest for ‘Military-Civil Fusion’
By Bonnie Girard
A report indicates the U.S. government will seek to deny sales to 89 major Chinese companies with military links.

Lust Not Lost: Old World of Indian Courtesans Lives on in Popular Culture
By Krzysztof Iwanek
The recent English translation of the novel “Phoolsunghi” reminds us of an entire culture that once surrounded Indian courtesans.

A Cow Cabinet in Madhya Pradesh?
By Neeta Lal
Amid a pandemic and educational crisis, why is one of India's least developed states focusing political energy on cow welfare?

A Spotlight on Police Brutality in Fiji
By Joshua Mcdonald
The Fiji Law Society voices its concern about mounting reports of police brutality in the country.

Australia Livid as Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Tweets Offensive Image
By Abhijnan Rej
Zhao Lijian’s tweet is likely to seriously aggravate tensions between the two countries.

Hong Kong Lawmaker Says Democracy Fight Needs Rethink
By Associated Press
"We need to reconsider the way to fight in the future," says Democratic Party leader Wu Chi-wai.

Students on the Frontlines: Student Activism in the Disaster-hit Philippines
By Franz Jan Santos
Student activists have played crucial roles at key junctures in the nation's history.