
July 2021

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Is Japan’s Olympic Bubble About to Burst?

Is Japan’s Olympic Bubble About to Burst?

By Thisanka Siripala
Gaping holes in the Tokyo Olympics bubble could derail the safety of athletes in the village and entire competitions. 
Bangladesh Lifts Lockdown to Celebrate, Despite Warnings From Health Experts

Bangladesh Lifts Lockdown to Celebrate, Despite Warnings From Health Experts

By Julhas Alam
Tens of millions of Bangladeshis are shopping and traveling during an eight-day pause in the country’s strict coronavirus lockdown for the Islamic festival Eid al-Adha.

What Cultured Meat Can Tell Us About China

What Cultured Meat Can Tell Us About China

By Bonnie Girard
A new survey on a niche product provides a window into changing attitudes, and even has implications for Chinese national security.

Can Australian Rules Football Rule Australia?

Can Australian Rules Football Rule Australia?

By Grant Wyeth
One distinct regional difference within Australia is in preference for sporting codes, but the Australian Football League brushes off its most devoted locales to chase rugby-dominated markets.

Chaos in Afghanistan Threatens CPEC

Chaos in Afghanistan Threatens CPEC

By Muhammad Akbar Notezai
The latest attack in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province confirms what analysts already feared: Taliban advances in Afghanistan are emboldening terrorists seeking to target Chinese interests in Pakistan.
A Fateful Moment for the CSTO on the Afghan Border

A Fateful Moment for the CSTO on the Afghan Border

By Shuhrat Baratov
The Taliban’s recent lightning offensive in northern Afghanistan may be a litmus test for the relevance of the Russian-led Collective Security Treaty Organization.

Bougainville Inches Closer to Independence

Bougainville Inches Closer to Independence

By Joshua Mcdonald
Given the 2019 referendum’s nearly unanimous approval, it will be difficult for Papua New Guinea to deny the region independence.
Will Japan’s Rapid COVID-19 Rebound Set Back the Tokyo Olympics?

Will Japan’s Rapid COVID-19 Rebound Set Back the Tokyo Olympics?

By Thisanka Siripala
The COVID-19 outlook for Tokyo ahead of the Olympics looks bleak, with the infection rate expected to rise.

Greater Coordination in Central Asian Responses to Afghan Border Troubles

Greater Coordination in Central Asian Responses to Afghan Border Troubles

By Umida Hashimova
Central Asian countries have begun coordinating their responses to the worsening security situation in Afghanistan. 

Myanmar’s Generals Are Struggling to Tell Their Story

Myanmar’s Generals Are Struggling to Tell Their Story

By Luke Hunt
Big lie campaigns don’t come cheap, as a spin doctor takes his leave 

Myanmar Plunges Into Deadly Third COVID-19 Wave

Myanmar Plunges Into Deadly Third COVID-19 Wave

By Naw Theresa
COVID-19 vaccination efforts have become fatally entangled in the hostilities unleashed by the February coup.
Give ASEAN Diplomacy a Chance in Myanmar

Give ASEAN Diplomacy a Chance in Myanmar

By Moez Hayat
Brunei’s adherence to the “ASEAN way” seeks a diplomatic solution to the crisis that also preserves the unity and continued relevance of the organization.

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