
July 2021

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A Brief History of UFOs in Japan

A Brief History of UFOs in Japan

By Daisuke Akimoto
As in the United States, the question of UFOs is gaining more attention, particularly as it relates to Japanese security.
China’s Social Credit System: Fact vs. Fiction

China’s Social Credit System: Fact vs. Fiction

Jeremy Daum, Dai Xin, and Vincent Brussee address common myths and misperceptions about the social credit system.

A Tale of 2 Navies: Reviewing India and China’s Aircraft Carrier Procurement

A Tale of 2 Navies: Reviewing India and China’s Aircraft Carrier Procurement

By Rick Joe
The 21st century carrier programs in India and China are fascinating for their similarities – and for their differences.

Experts Question If WHO Should Lead Pandemic Origins Probe

Experts Question If WHO Should Lead Pandemic Origins Probe

By Maria Cheng and Dake Kang
There are increasing calls for an independent analysis to discover where COVID-19 came from, given the politicization of the WHO investigation.

With Accelerated Afghan Withdrawal, US Engagement With Central Asia Intensifies

With Accelerated Afghan Withdrawal, US Engagement With Central Asia Intensifies

By Catherine Putz
U.S. forces are reportedly days away from completing the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Meanwhile, Central Asian diplomats are making the rounds in Washington, DC.
China’s Repression Reaches Australian Universities

China’s Repression Reaches Australian Universities

By Joshua Mcdonald
A new Human Rights Watch report details Chinese government efforts to surveil and intimidate Chinese students attending Australian universities. 

India’s Hindutva Hardliners Treat Religious Conversion as Security Threat

India’s Hindutva Hardliners Treat Religious Conversion as Security Threat

By Asim Ali
Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has warned that the National Security Act will be invoked against those involved in religious conversion.
Japan, Philippines to Hold First Ever Joint Air Exercises

Japan, Philippines to Hold First Ever Joint Air Exercises

By Sebastian Strangio
The two nations share overlapping concerns about China’s growing maritime capability and assertiveness.

Bereft of International Support, Myanmar’s Protesters Turn to Violent Resistance

Bereft of International Support, Myanmar’s Protesters Turn to Violent Resistance

By Kristina Kironska
As the country's crisis deepens, the lines between attack and defense are beginning to blur.

Why ASEAN Needs to Reduce Its Non-Tariff Measures on Agri-Food Imports

Why ASEAN Needs to Reduce Its Non-Tariff Measures on Agri-Food Imports

By Sithanonxay Suvannaphakdy and Neo Guo Wei Kevin
Streamlining non-tariff barriers to reduce the regulatory burden on businesses remains a key priority for the region’s recovery from COVID-19.

Thailand Reopens Resort Island to International Tourists

Thailand Reopens Resort Island to International Tourists

By Sebastian Strangio
The government hopes that the “Phuket sandbox” scheme will lead to the revival of Thailand's tourist industry.
Can North Korea Survive Without Its Chairman?

Can North Korea Survive Without Its Chairman?

By Chan Young Bang
For all intents and purposes, Kim Jong Un is the DPRK. Such a system won't survive a leadership transition at this juncture.

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