
July 2021

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Growing Violence in Afghanistan Takes a Toll on Afghan Refugees in Pakistan

Growing Violence in Afghanistan Takes a Toll on Afghan Refugees in Pakistan

By Shahid Afzal Khan
Stalled out peace talks have shattered hopes of a safe return home for millions of Afghans who fled abroad.
Dire Straits: Taiwan’s Fragile Status Quo

Dire Straits: Taiwan’s Fragile Status Quo

By Hanns W. Maull
For Taipei, Beijing, and Washington, the standoff is about national identities as much as territory.

China Will No Longer Be a Developing Country After 2023. Its Climate Actions Should Reflect That.

China Will No Longer Be a Developing Country After 2023. Its Climate Actions Should Reflect That.

By Mathias Lund Larsen
As China projects its power abroad and readies to join the club of high-income countries, its climate ambitions can no longer hide behind the veil of development.

Ahead of CCP Anniversary, Kazakh Activists Protesting China’s Xinjiang Policies Detained

Ahead of CCP Anniversary, Kazakh Activists Protesting China’s Xinjiang Policies Detained

By Catherine Putz
Several activists well-known for picketing the Chinese consulate in Almaty have reportedly been detained in Kazakhstan.

US Firms Cannot Ignore the Growing Risks of a Possible China-US Military Conflict

US Firms Cannot Ignore the Growing Risks of a Possible China-US Military Conflict

By Sara Hsu
U.S. businesses need to consider the impact of a physical conflict on their Chinese production and distribution bases.
China Celebrates 100 Years of the CCP

China Celebrates 100 Years of the CCP

By Shannon Tiezzi
100 years of the party’s existence, 72 years of its rule – and about 40 years actually worth celebrating.

Back to Normal Diplomacy: Kyrgyz President Visits Tajikistan

Back to Normal Diplomacy: Kyrgyz President Visits Tajikistan

By Catherine Putz
A return to the pre-April status quo is preferable to continued violence, but a lack of progress on border negotiations isn’t a long-term solution to instability on the border.
Mingled Faiths, Separate Peoples: Pew Research Center’s New Survey of Indian Religious Communities

Mingled Faiths, Separate Peoples: Pew Research Center’s New Survey of Indian Religious Communities

By Krzysztof Iwanek
The study confirms that a figurative marriage between religious concepts does not have to inspire literal marriages between religious groups.

Unabating Tension With China Spurs India’s Border Infrastructure Efforts

Unabating Tension With China Spurs India’s Border Infrastructure Efforts

By Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan
India has reversed its previous neglect of infrastructure near the border, but it has a long way to go to close the gap with China.

Does China Weaponize Lending?

Does China Weaponize Lending?

By Robert Farley
China’s commitment to economic efficiency has always been colored by a desire to maximize political influence.

Rohingya Repatriation Unlikely If It’s ‘Business as Usual’ in Global Politics

Rohingya Repatriation Unlikely If It’s ‘Business as Usual’ in Global Politics

By Asif Muztaba Hassan
If foreign companies continue to do business with the Myanmar junta, the latter will persist with its brutal offensives against Rohingya Muslims.
Mekong River Commission Calls for Improved Hydropower Data Sharing

Mekong River Commission Calls for Improved Hydropower Data Sharing

By Sebastian Strangio
The past two years have seen water levels on the lower Mekong rise and full unpredictably.

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