
July 2021

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Activists, Journalists Included in Myanmar Prisoner Release

Activists, Journalists Included in Myanmar Prisoner Release

By Grant Peck
The military gave no reason for the sudden release of prisoners, which included many detained since its February coup.
Don’t Call Me Junta: Myanmar’s Military Government Warns Foreign Press

Don’t Call Me Junta: Myanmar’s Military Government Warns Foreign Press

By Sebastian Strangio
The junta's warning is the likely prelude to further crackdowns and restrictions on the press.

US Navy to Deploy 6 Littoral Combat Ships by Year End

US Navy to Deploy 6 Littoral Combat Ships by Year End

By Steven Stashwick
The deployment will be a record for the long-troubled ship class.

The Political Implications of Japan’s COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

The Political Implications of Japan’s COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout

By Naoko Aoki
The success of Japan’s vaccination campaign could determine whether Prime Minister Suga stays in office beyond this fall.

All Style and No Substance? Uzbekistan’s Rebranding Is Hollow Without Human Rights

All Style and No Substance? Uzbekistan’s Rebranding Is Hollow Without Human Rights

By Matthew Schaaf
A U.S. trip by Uzbekistan’s foreign minister highlights the gap between Tashkent’s rhetoric and reality on human rights.
How the CCP Uses History

How the CCP Uses History

By Nicholas Ross Smith and Tracey Fallon
The party’s embrace of tailored history has accelerated ahead of the 100th anniversary of the CCP’s founding.

Kim Jong Un’s Comments Reflect Growing Fear Over North Korea’s Food Crisis 

Kim Jong Un’s Comments Reflect Growing Fear Over North Korea’s Food Crisis 

By Mitch Shin
The COVID-19 pandemic and U.S.-led economic sanctions have pushed the North toward an economic catastrophe.
Fiji in Crisis as Country Hits Record COVID-19 Cases and Deaths

Fiji in Crisis as Country Hits Record COVID-19 Cases and Deaths

By Joshua Mcdonald
As case counts continue to reach new highs, Fiji is betting big on its vaccination program to stem the spread.

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